SafeDAO Community Updates

SafeDAO Update Week of May 31, 2024

Hello Safe Community! Safe{Con}2 in Berlin was a huge success! If you missed it, you can catch the recording and highlights from the event in this week’s update.

Governance is back in action with two new proposals on Snapshot from Sprint 4 of Season 2, focused on governance amendments.

Additionally, we’ve included summaries of the last two Community Calls, featuring the Karpatkey team answering community questions.

Let’s dive in!

:ballot_box: SafeDAO Governance:

Keep track of all SafeDAO’s governance activities, discussions, and important dates.

Snapshot Proposals

We are now nearing the end of Sprint 4 of Season 2. This Sprint focuses only on governance proposals and runs from May 13th to June 10th🗓️.

Two proposal drafts [1] [2] received enough support in Phase 1 from delegates with sufficient voting power and made it to Phase 2 voting in Snapshot.

This proposal introduces some changes to the structure of the Sprints within each Season, allowing for governance amendments in Sprints 1, 2 and 3 in extraordinary cases, and regular proposals in Sprint 4 when necessary.

This proposal suggests spending the surplus budget of Season 2 (~$600,000) in Season 3 instead of assigning a new budget. Different voting options outline the way this budget will be allocated from the most popular to the less popular strategies.

Keep track of governance dates, events and deadlines with the Governance Calendar. Subscribe to the Safe Community Events Calendar here.

Forum Discussions

:handshake: Safe Events:

Learn about upcoming events and stay informed with summaries of community calls.

  • :cityscape:Safe{Con}2 in Berlin last week was a huge success! If you missed it, here is the link with the live recording of this memorable day.
  • :scroll:In the Governance Call of May 16th these topics were covered:
    • Amendments to Governance Framework, which lead to [SEP 27].
    • Amendment for Budget for OBRA, prequel of [SEP 28]
    • RFP Process to standardize service provider selection.
    • OBRA Template Changes to make proposal review more detailed and comprehensive.
    • Standardizing Milestones to improve applications.
    • Lessons from the Gnosis Guild Experience.
    • Using Allocations for Governance Incentives for Guardians, as currently they can only be allocated to users.
  • :key:In the Special Community Call held with Karpatkey on May 21st these were the topics discussed:
    • Karpatkey’s Roadmap.
    • Karpatkey fee structure, monthly commission and the comparison to other DAOs.
    • Transparency on fee distribution and onchain proofs.
    • Uniswap LP positions.
    • Additional projects and priority list.
    • Use Cases for SAFE token.

:closed_lock_with_key: From the Ecosystem:

Catch up on news and media from the Safe Ecosystem

:hammer_and_pick:Community Support Channels

:speech_balloon: Stay Connected:

  • Join the Safe community on Discord for regular updates and engaging discussions.

We value your feedback and input - let us know if you find these updates useful and how we can fine-tune them further. Reach out via Telegram (@nneomack) or directly on this forum with your feedback!

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I downloaded above :point_up_2: documentation that contains important information.

I am new here but a real enthusiast and loving this community so far. I have a background in education and teaching and feel I could help with documentation, at least for starters.



Thanks for the feedback and welcome to the community. I am glad the community notes and updates are useful for you.

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SafeDAO Update Week of Jun 14, 2024

Welcome to the latest SafeDAO community update! In governance, [SEP #27] and [SEP #28] passed with majority support and we’ve just kicked off Season 3 Sprint 1, with critical deadlines for proposal submissions and governance activities coming up. Catch up on highlights from Safe{Con}2, learn about new ecosystem developments, and engage with our support channels for any technical or transactional issues.

:ballot_box: SafeDAO Governance:

Keep track of all SafeDAO’s governance activities, discussions, and important dates.

Snapshot Proposals

[SEP #27] and [SEP #28] both passed last week with clear majority, introducing some changes to the structure of the Sprints within each Season and rebalancing the budget surplus for Season 3.

We just started Season 3 Sprint 1. This Sprint runs from June 10th to July 8th.

These are the important Dates📆

  • Monday, June 17th 23:59 UTC, deadline to submit proposals to Phase 1.
  • Wednesday, June 19 16:00 UTC: Governance Call to review proposals.
  • Monday, June 24 at 23:59 UTC: Deadline to signal maturity for Phase 2.
  • Wednesday, June 26 - July 8th: Voting Period.

Currently, there are two proposal drafts [1] [2] in Phase 0, go check them out and share your feedback! By Tuesday they will have passed to Phase one to gather the necessary delegate approval.

Keep track of governance dates, events and deadlines with the Governance Calendar. Subscribe to the Safe Community Events Calendar here.

Forum Discussions

:handshake: Safe Events:

Learn about upcoming events and stay informed with summaries of community calls.

:closed_lock_with_key: From the Ecosystem:

Catch up on news and media from the Safe Ecosystem

:hammer_and_pick:Community Support Channels

:speech_balloon: Stay Connected:

  • Join the Safe community on Discord for regular updates and engaging discussions.

We value your feedback and input - let us know if you find these updates useful and how we can fine-tune them further. Reach out via Telegram (@nneomack) or directly on this forum with your feedback!


SafeDAO Update Week of Jun 21, 2024

Welcome to the latest edition of the SafeDAO Weekly Update! Stay informed on all governance activities, pivotal discussions, and crucial dates in the SafeDAO ecosystem. As we navigate through Phase 1 of Season 3 Sprint 1, we encourage our delegates to support new OBRA proposals to advance to the voting phase. Dive in, share your feedback, and be an active part of our community’s decision-making process!

:ballot_box: SafeDAO Governance:

Keep track of all SafeDAO’s governance activities, discussions, and important dates.

:bulb: Snapshot Proposals

We are currently in Phase 1 (Draft) of Season 3, Sprint 1. This Sprint runs from June 10th to July 8th. During Phase 1, 3 guardians and/or delegates with a cumulative voting power of 60,000 SAFE must signal vote readiness on OBRA proposals in order to advance to Phase 2 (Voting).

:calendar: Important dates :

:one: Monday, June 17th 23:59 UTC, deadline to submit proposals to Phase 1.
:two: Wednesday, June 19 16:00 UTC: Governance Call to review proposals.
:three: Monday, June 24 at 23:59 UTC: Deadline to signal maturity for Phase 2.
:four: Wednesday, June 26 - July 8th: Voting Period.

Currently, there are multiple proposals seeking support in Phase 1. Please check them out on the forum and share your feedback. If they receive enough signals, they will move to Phase 2 for voting on Snapshot by Tuesday.

:thought_balloon: Forum Discussions:

:mega:Keep track of governance dates, events and deadlines with the Governance Calendar. Subscribe to the Safe Community Events Calendar here.

:handshake: Safe Events:

Learn about upcoming events and stay informed with summaries of community calls.

  • On Wednesday, June 19th, the Safe Governance Call was held to present and discuss the new OBRA proposals. If you couldn’t join, you can find the recording here, and notes below:

Agenda Overview:

  • Upcoming Events: Governance timeline and presentations from all OBRA proposals in Phase One.
  • EthCC Week: The SafeDAO governance team and members will attend EthCC Week in Brussels. Attendees in the community are encouraged to connect with them if they are also attending.

OBRA Retrospective:

  • Current Activities: Ongoing OBRA retrospective includes feedback from voters and reports from current OBRA initiatives.
  • Outreach: Engaging with teams not yet involved in OBRA.
  • Report and Reworking: Aiming to have a report by the end of the month, which will inform a reworking of the OBRA framework by Andre and the governance workstream.

Recent Updates:

  • Governance Amendments: Two proposals passed:
    • Governance amendments can now occur in any sprint, not just Sprint Four.
    • OBRA budgets were refilled using existing budgets, with nearly 100k allocated per strategy.

Governance Cycle Overview:

  • Current Status: In Season Three, Sprint One (Week One completed).
  • Phase Deadlines: Proposals move from Phase Zero (Discussion) to Phase One (Draft), with a deadline for Phase One being Monday, June 24th, 23:59 UTC.
  • Signalling Requirements: Proposals must have signalling from at least three delegates or guardians with a cumulative power of 60k to proceed to the voting phase (June 26 to July 8).

Resources and Tools:

  • Timelines and Calendars: These are available on the forum and through a subscription to the community calendar.
  • Curia Dashboard: Useful for seeing delegates and guardians in the ecosystem and tracking OBRA proposals.

Proposal Review Process:

  • Ranking System: For OBRA Strategy Two, proposals may go through a ranking system based on voting power in this voting cycle.


:closed_lock_with_key: From the Ecosystem:

Catch up on news and media from the Safe Ecosystem

:hammer_and_pick:Community Support Channels

:speech_balloon: Stay Connected:

  • Join the Safe community on Discord for regular updates and engaging discussions.

We value your feedback and input - let us know if you find these updates useful and how we can fine-tune them further. Reach out via Telegram (@nneomack) or directly on this forum with your feedback!

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SafeDAO Update Week of Jun 28, 2024

Welcome to this week’s SafeDAO Governance update! We’re now in Phase 2 of Season 3 Sprint 1, which continues until July 8th. With five proposals advancing to Phase 2, it’s time for $SAFE holders to make their voices heard. Your participation and feedback are vital in shaping the future of SafeDAO.

:ballot_box: SafeDAO Governance:

Keep track of all SafeDAO’s governance activities, discussions, and important dates.

Snapshot Proposals

We are currently in Phase 2 of Season 3 Sprint 1. This Sprint runs until July 8th. In this Phase, proposals with sufficient delegate support have been moved to Snapshot for voting.

In total, 5 proposals passed to Phase 2💪. The voting deadline is July 8th 16:00 UTC. If you are a $SAFE hodler, please head to Snapshot and cast your vote!

:nerd_face:Here is a comprehensive summary of the key aspects of the proposals:

SEP # & Discussion Link Summary Snapshot Link
SEP #29 Rocketman’s proposed initative builds on SafeDAO’s mission by merging Safe’s secure and flexible capabilities with the collaborative governance model of DAOs, inspired by the Nouns DAO concept. They are developing the Revolution Protocol extension to enable any Safe to transform into a Nounish DAO, starting with Grounds DAO as a proof of concept. They are also creating a user-friendly website to facilitate the transition of Safes into DAOs, lowering the barrier to web3 governance. Vote on SEP #29
SEP #30 Goverland’s proposed initiative aims to address limitations in delegating voting power on Snapshot as outlined in SEP #16. The Split Delegation feature allows delegating to multiple participants, transitivity of voting power, and delegation term limits. Goverland app users will receive flexible notifications about their delegates’ voting participation, voting actions, proposal creations, and other key events. Vote on SEP #30
SEP #31 Daoism Systems proposes the development of the Decentralized Safe Registry (dSAFE) SDK using Ceramic Protocol and ComposeDB. This decentralizes storage and management of Safe transactions, offering users reduced risks, improved resilience, and greater autonomy with an IPFS-hosted front-end. Vote on SEP #31
SEP #32 StableLab’s proposal focuses on optimizing SafeDAO’s governance by addressing fragmented information, low stakeholder engagement and opaque processes. The goal is to continue to boost community trust and participation by enhancing and increasing the frequency of community updates and fostering discussions in SafeDAO forums. Vote on SEP #32
SEP #33 Citizen Wallet aims to develop a Safe Card Manager Module enabling NFC tags to use Safe Accounts for secure transactions with whitelisted vendors. Event organizers can create unique accounts for each event. The initiative leverages NFC technology for seamless, offline-capable Web3 transactions without gas fees or seed phrases. Vote on SEP #33

Forum Discussions:

:mega:Keep track of governance dates, events and deadlines with the Governance Calendar. Subscribe to the Safe Community Events Calendar here.

:handshake: Safe Events:

Learn about upcoming events and stay informed with summaries of community calls.

:closed_lock_with_key: From the Ecosystem:

Catch up on news and media from the Safe Ecosystem

:hammer_and_pick:Community Support Channels

:speech_balloon: Stay Connected:

  • Join the Safe community on Discord for regular updates and engaging discussions.

We value your feedback and input - let us know if you find these updates useful and how we can fine-tune them further. Reach out via Telegram (@nneomack) or directly on this forum with your feedback!

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SafeDAO Update Week of Jul 12, 2024

Welcome to this week’s SafeDAO Governance newsletter! We’re excited to announce the commencement of Season 3 Sprint 2, which runs from July 8th to August 5th. This sprint is packed with crucial dates and events to keep you engaged and informed. Reflecting on the previous sprint, we saw five proposals advance to Phase 2 voting, with mixed outcomes. Stay updated with the latest forum discussions, including new proposals seeking community feedback and delegate support. Don’t miss out on our upcoming events, and catch up on key news and milestones from the Safe ecosystem. Stay connected with the Safe community through our support channels and Discord. Your feedback is crucial to us!

:ballot_box: SafeDAO Governance:

Keep track of all SafeDAO’s governance activities, discussions, and important dates.

Snapshot Proposals

We just started a new Sprint! Season 3 Sprint 2 commenced on July 8th and runs until August 5th. These are the important Dates:

:one: Monday, July 15th 23:59 UTC, deadline to submit proposals to Phase 1.
:two: Wednesday, July 17th 16:00 UTC: Governance Call to review proposals.
:three: Monday, July 22nd at 23:59 UTC: Deadline to signal maturity for Phase 2.
:four: Wednesday, July 24th - August 5th: Voting Period.

:open_file_folder:Follow dates by subscribing to the Governance Google Calendar here.

For the previous Sprint 1, 5 proposals were voted in Phase 2💪. If you could not check all the proposals yet, in this post there is a comprehensive summary of the key aspects of the proposals. This was the outcome of the five OBRA proposal voting.

[SEP 29] [OBRA] Nounish Safes - rocketman - Rejected

[SEP 30] [OBRA] Native Split Delegation on Mobile with Notifications about Delegate Participation - Goverland - Accepted

[SEP 31] [OBRA]: Next generation frontend for decentralized Safe Registry - Rejected

[SEP 32] [OBRA] Continuation of Governance Accessibility and Participation Enhancement at SafeDAO - StableLab - Missed Quorum

[SEP 33] [OBRA] Safe Accounts for NFC Tags - Citizen Wallet - Accepted

:classical_building:Forum Discussions:

:newspaper_roll:New proposals are seeking for community feedback / delegate support, go check them out!

:mega: Keep track of governance dates, events and deadlines with the Governance Calendar. Subscribe to the Safe Community Events Calendar here.

:handshake: Safe Events:

Learn about upcoming events and stay informed with summaries of community calls.

  • On Wednesday, July 3rd, we had the Safe Governance Call to present and discuss the state of the OBRA program and answer any questions from the community. If you could not attend, you can find all the information about the call, including the recording here.

:closed_lock_with_key: From the Ecosystem:

Catch up on news and media from the Safe Ecosystem

:hammer_and_pick:Community Support Channels

:speech_balloon: Stay Connected:

  • Join the Safe community on Discord for regular updates and engaging discussions.

We value your feedback and input - let us know if you find these updates useful and how we can fine-tune them further. Reach out via Telegram (@nneomack) or directly on this forum with your feedback!

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