[SEP 36]: [OBRA, Strategy 3] - Simulations/Demos and Tidbits for All Safe Use Cases


We propose creating a “Tidbits Site” which will have series of simulations (clickable demos, e.g., Uniswap University Clickable Demos) and Tidbits (one-minute reads, e.g., Compound Education Tidbits) for all Safe use cases. We will cover three categories:

  1. Safe for DAOs
  2. Safe for Teams
  3. Safe for Individuals

Despite many people knowing about the Safe wallet, they often find it difficult to use due to its complex learning curve. Both Clickable Demos and Tidbits will help make the Safe wallet easier to understand and use, improving its adoption.

Funding request


Aligned strategy

[Strategy 3] Increase awareness of Safe Ecosystem

Relation to budget

9.6% of the total budget for Strategy 3

Metrics and KPIs

  1. Clickable demos for at least 12-18 use cases of Safe, with a quality of at least 8/10.
  2. Tidbits - At least 25-30, with a quality of at least 8/10.

Initiative description

Anyone involved in the Ethereum ecosystem for a few months is likely familiar with Safe’s name and the significant amount of funds managed through it. Thus, initial awareness is not a major challenge for Safe. However, due to its complexity for new users, the actual usage is much lower than it could be.

Safety is essential for DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) and teams, and it’s also beneficial for individual users. Each team has its own way of using it, making it difficult to grasp all possible applications. We aim to simplify Safe for the following three types of users and help them understand and use Safe effectively:

  1. Individuals who know about Ethereum but have not yet used any multi-sig or have not used Safe.
  2. Teams (two or more individuals) who plan to use Safe as a multi-sig for coordinated transactions.
  3. DAOs planning to use Safe for various workflows. (We also need to research these exact use cases.)

To achieve this, we propose creating a series of simulations (clickable demos) and short informative pieces (tidbits) covering all Safe use cases. We will focus on three categories:

  1. Safe for Individuals
  2. Safe for DAOs
  3. Safe for Teams

Simulation (Clickable Demos)

Interacting with a Web3 app is not the same as using a traditional web app. Each action can incur transaction fees (gas) and has security implications, which deters many from exploring different uses of Safe.

Safe’s flexibility and customizability add to its complexity. Modules and apps increase this complexity further.

Simulations, or clickable demos, provide a risk-free environment to experiment with various use cases. Users can follow steps and learn how to utilize Safe for different purposes.

We have previously created clickable demos for Uniswap, Compound, Arbitrum, Optimism, and other projects.


We plan to create at least 4-6 clickable demos for each category, totalling approximately 12-18 demos.


Tidbits are short, one-minute reads designed to explain a concept or a use case quickly. This format was developed after nearly two years of educational efforts and about eight revisions of various formats. Tidbits allow us to cover the entire project in 15-20 minutes, a task that would normally take hours with traditional documentation.

Here are some examples:

We will create at least 10 tidbits for each category, resulting in around 30 tidbits in total.

Current status

Our core platform exists which is already being used for top projects. However the simulations and tidbits for Safe
will be created from scratch.


We don’t foresee any risks in this initiative.

Timeline and Milestones

We estimate this initiative will take 7-8 weeks to complete.

  • First 4 weeks: Research and study
  • Next 2 weeks: Creation of clickable demos(50%)
  • Next 2 weeks: Creation of tidbits(remaining 50%)

Initiative lead

Organization: DoDAO


DoDAO Team

DoDAO has been working on many tooling and educational initiatives in the blockchain space. We have been working with some of the top projects in the space and have been contributing to the ecosystem in various ways. We have been working on

Governance Tooling Initiatives

  • Onchain Governance Proposal Analyzer for Compound (Done) - Link
  • Command Line Interface code generation POC for Compound’s Governance (Done) - Link
  • Asset Analysis Dashboards(In Progress)
  • Uniswap’s V4 Technical Documentation (Done) - Link

Educational Initiatives

DoDAO’s Products

  • Academy Site Builder
  • Tidbits Hub(Tidbits & Clickable-Demos/Simulations)

We take a team based approach and for this initiative we will be working with a team of 1 full-time researcher and 1 full-time developer for a period of 7-8 weeks.

Once approved, we can share the exact team members who will be working on this initiative.

Implementation dependencies



For any major updates to the UI, we will update the simulations for the next 12 months.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.

Other information

We did include the same proposal in the last sprint also, but didn’t get a clear “yeh” or “neh” from any of the delegates or guardians.

We has also submitted another proposal in the last sprint for "[DRAFT] [OBRA, Strategy 4] Safe Tech Stack Decentralization Framework ". We are not re-submitting the proposal until we have a detailed conversation with one of the core devs as this proposal needs close coordination.

Updates from conversations

Conversations with @Denham (last sprint - June 21, 2024)

We had a chat with @Denham last sprint, and we think he likes the concept and the proposal, but was unsure about the “cost.” He also had questions about the stats/engagement on past work, and we have updated the proposal with that information.

We didn’t get a clear “yes” or “no” from him. We can definitely try to adjust the cost a bit, but we believe our effort is fairly priced. We are currently working with Alchemix, and if you want, we can get a reference from them regarding the amount of detail and effort we put into these sites.

Conversation with @Malik_ElBay - July 15, 2024

Today we had a conversation with @Malik_ElBay and here were some key discussion points

  1. The Distribution Mode - Explained Malik that this will be a separate tidbits site similar to the ones we had created for other projects. I have updated the proposal - Done
  2. Outreach effort and coordination - Malik recommended connected with marketing team of Safe to ensure that this is not an isolated effort, which we develop but is not used. We completely agree with the feedback and will reach our to the marketing members in Safe.
  3. Include links to past proposals - Done
  4. “Everyone → Be specific” - Done
  5. Links to dev projects - Added in proposal - Done

@LuukDAO also shared great feedback on the last proposal, but we were unable to get a meeting with him in the last sprint.

He provided feedback regarding the change in the Safe UI, and we have included a commitment to update the simulations for any changes in the UI for the next year.

Breaking this into smaller efforts—It’s a great suggestion; however, there are a lot of fixed costs (homework, research, preparation) required to deliver high-quality work. Dividing the project into smaller chunks would put us in a highly unfavorable situation.

Safe Team

Tagging some of the safe members who have been working in community or marketing efforts so that we can get their feedback
@Jorge-Safe @lorny @Andre

Again thanks to all the delegates and guardians who connected with us and shared this valuable feedback. Definitely it helped improve the proposal

Dear @DoDAO,

Thank you for the draft of this proposal. I have a few small remarks about the team, one more fundamental remark, and an open question.

Small Remarks:

  • It would be helpful to include a link to your website in the proposal: https://dodao.io/.
  • Can you add links to the Governance Tooling Initiatives section?
  • Can you share more details about the team members?

Fundamental Remark:

The Metrics and KPIs are currently only output-focused. This could be considered as Deliverables. For initiatives, I believe that outcomes are more important than outputs. To make the Metrics and KPIs more outcome-focused, we first need to answer:

What is the qualitative effect of the demos/tidbits?

In the Initiative Description, you describe it as:

“We aim to simplify Safe for everyone to understand and use effectively.”

Then, we can try to quantify this with suitable metrics.

Open Question:

The distribution of the educational pieces is not described. What are your thoughts on this topic?

Hi @DoDAO Thanks for taking the time to resubmit your proposal.

Please note some important deadlines in the timeline for this sprint . You have until Monday, July 22nd at 23:59 UTC to get signal from at least 3 delegates/guardians with cumulative voting power of 60K / total from all three (details outlined in our governance hub and as exemplified here).

While we usually have Phase 1 proposals present at this Wednesday’s Governance call (July 17th at 16:00 UTC), since you have already presented in the last sprint, this is completely optional. If you would like to join and present again or something new, please let me know so I can add you to the agenda.

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I’d like to signal that this proposal is ready to move to a vote, but I would appreciate @DoDAO answering these outstanding questions on the forum before I signal that this proposal is ready to move to a Snapshot vote.

Thank you for the “Signal” @BraveNewDeFi. I will be update the proposal to include the comments from @Malik_ElBay and also the conversation I had with him today!


I’d like to signal that this proposal is ready to move to a vote

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Thank you @Denham for the signal!

I am a Safe Guardian with sufficient voting power and I believe this proposal is ready to move to a vote

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I am a Safe Guardian with sufficient voting power and I believe this proposal is ready to move to a vote.

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Thanks for the follow up answers, @DoDAO!

I am a Safe Guardian with sufficient voting power . I believe this proposal is ready to move to a Snapshot vote.

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Disclaimer: I work in Safe but the following comments reflect my personal opinion, not that of my employer.

Hi DoDao,

First of all, thank you for the effort put into this proposal.

24k seems pretty steep for an output and not an outcome. In the end this proposals boils down to onboarding new users (or new developers) using Safe. However after looking into the engagement of the links you provided for uniswap university and compound education with similarweb it seems that the traffic and the engagement is pretty low (time on page and visits). Do you have other data points on the engagement and the impact of your previous efforts that show something different and if not do you have any reasons in mind why/how that would change for Safe?


Thank you @chris_Safe for checking the proposal and sharing your response.

  1. Regarding the budget, we try to keep the budget for these sites very fair, and it’s in line with all other projects we have done. Every project has been very happy with our effort and quality, and we have continued to engage with them in other capacities as well. We would like to have a call with you to show you the amount of work we put into creating the simulations and tidbits. If you still feel it’s too much, we can try to work within the budget you feel is fair.

  2. Regarding Traffic - Kleros and Fuse used our platform and tried to incentivize with some tokens, and we were getting between 2k-5k guide submissions per day. We suspect part of it was bot traffic. Hence, we only included the stats related to the traffic we feel is real organic traffic.

Impact - Our primary target audience are users or teams who have heard of Safe and want to use it. For Individuals, setting up Safe for the first time or for specific use cases can take more than a couple of hours. Also, they have to spend gas or get test tokens to try out their scenarios. For teams and DAOs, or for non-common use cases, the setup time for using Safe for their use case can be even longer, and we want to reduce that to less than 5-10 minutes.

We definitely want to address all your concerns and would also like your support in reviewing our deliverables if our proposal moves to the voting stage and gets accepted.

Your proposal has reached sufficient signal to move to Phase 2: Voting. It will be live for voting on Snapshot on Wednesday, July 24th.

The proposal is live on Snapshot. Voting starts Wednesday, July 24th and runs until August 5th.

As of August 5 2024, this proposal has been ratified.

We own the platform and definitely the academy websites have the same UX.

It’s not about same UX( All gitbook sites have the same UX), it is about writing original content and simulations.

We are currently working with Alchemix, and I can connect you with them for reviews and feedback about our work. Or our last two projects i.e. Compound and Uniswap and they paid “~2x” the price we have asked for Safe’s site.

Based on your harsh comments we don’t think we will be able to convince you anything at all.

Seeing such comments is definitely hurtful.

As we said, we don’t think we will be able to convince you at all about our work, and we can’t make everyone happy.

Here is one of the posts of Uniswap Foundation

Here is Compound’s home page

We would have loved to connect you with members from their teams, with whom we worked, so they can give you an idea of the effort we put in. However, based on your past comments, or comments on other posts, we don’t think we can change your opinion at all. Thank you :pray:

Hi @DoDAO, congrats on the accepted proposal. As you brought this up previously I would be happy to give feedback on drafts, deliverables, or similar. Happy to chat.

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Thank you @chris_Safe :green_heart:.

We will conduct research on various use cases ourselves for the first 2-3 weeks and will then need your help reviewing the flows we capture.

We’ll reach out to you after we have the first draft.