[Discussion] OBRA strategies and budget

Hello everyone,

Thank you again for the input given during the first two governance calls.

We’re excited to share a draft for discussion regarding the OBRA strategies and budget SEP. This draft outlines five key strategies and a wildcard strategy, aimed at pushing forward the goals agreed upon in the SafeDAO Constitution. As a reminder, this is a working draft, and we anticipate changes based on further feedback from governance calls.

Here’s a quick overview of the strategies with the goals and their respective budgets:

Strategy Goal Budget
Research and implement Safe token utility Tokenize value (Goal 3) 200.000 USDC
Foster module ecosystem Foster vibrant ecosystem (Goal 1) 300.000 USDC
Increase awareness of Safe Ecosystem Foster vibrant ecosystem (Goal 1) 250.000 USDC
Research decentralization of Safe tech stack Resilience through decentralization (Goal 2) 200.000 USDC
Increase governance participation Resilience through decentralization (Goal 2) 150.000 USDC
Wildcard strategy All goals 100.000 USDC

Also adding again a Google Doc where everyone can comment or add suggestions:

:calendar: The next governance call regarding OBRA takes place Wednesday, 6 December at 5pm UTC (Register here: Discord)

Title: [Discussion] OBRA strategies and budget

Authors: Andre Geest, Dmitriy Klimov, Bernard Schmid, Lukas Schor, Christoph Simmchen (+ any other contributors who would like to be named)

Created: 2023-12-01


This proposal outlines five strategies and a wildcard strategy under OBRA with their respective budgets, which are aimed at pushing forward the goals in the SafeDAO constitution.

Proposal types

State which proposal type this proposal belongs to.
SEP: Resource allocation strategies
SEP: Resource allocation budget

Proposal details

Note: This is a draft. Based on further iterations and feedback by the governance calls the content for the strategies or the strategies itself are subject to change.

Strategy 1: Research and implement Safe token utility

1. Which goals does the strategy look to drive progress in?
Tokenize value (Goal 3): SAFE should represent the value of the Safe Ecosystem. Mechanisms should be created to link the growth of the Safe Ecosystem to the growth in utility of SAFE.

2. Which metrics and KPIs could initiatives under this strategy be measured against?
Disclaimer: KPIs should always be considered in relation to each other and not in isolation. For instance, the number of token utility contributions should be evaluated in conjunction with their quality. We would always prefer two high-quality contributions over five low-quality ones.

  • Number of token utility contributions
  • Quality level of token utility contributions (via individual assessment)
  • Number of token utilities being voted through governance
  • Increase in activity regarding utility

3. Outline the execution strategy or thesis
This is just an overview to give guidance on how to develop further token utility use cases:

  1. Research phase: Conduct comprehensive market research to understand current token utilities in the market.
  2. Development phase: Create use cases for Safe Token, focusing on user and developer value proposition and ecosystem growth.
  3. Implementation and iteration phase: Gradually roll out new utilities, monitoring user adoption and feedback.

4. What are some example initiatives that would fall under this strategy
Disclaimer: The initiatives mentioned below are just examples for discussion and should not be taken as confirmation of their actual implementation.

  1. Locking mechanisms: Implement locking mechanisms to reward long-term holders.
  2. Governance participation: Utilize Safe tokens for voting on resource allocation and product governance.

5. Detail around existing data or evidence to support this thesis

  • Arbitrum (ARB): Functions as a governance token, allowing holders to vote on network upgrades. While it’s not possible to directly attribute the growth to token utility, following the token launch, the active user base increased by 44% from 1.8m to 2.6m in three months. The number of token holders increased by 112% from 285k to 604k, showing a steady ecosystem growth.

  • Optimism (OP): Primarily used for governance, transaction fees, and to incentivise network and user engagement. Token launch allowed the protocol to increase the number of active addresses by 166% from 138k to 368k per month.

  • Polkadot (DOT): Utility involves governance, staking for network security, and locking DOT for parachain slot auctions to support ecosystem development and growth. The total volume of staked reached 663m in 23Q3, showcasing a strong token utility.

6. Detail around any risks associated with this strategy

  • Low user adoption: Risk of low engagement or adoption of new token utilities through misaligned token utility or overly complex utility.
  • Market conditions: Potential impact on usage of token.
  • Legal and regulatory constraints: Compliance with crypto regulations.

7. If this strategy succeeds, what is the happy case?
Tangible, applicable models for token utility and strong community engagement with higher participation rates in governance

8. If this strategy fails, what would be some reasons?
“Random” collection of token utilities / not tailored to SAFE / not feasible

9. Assessment of the strategy’s maturity and if there is additional data that needs to be collected for the validation of this strategy

  • The strategy is designed to be less mature and more experimental, reflecting the research mission’s nature (exploring what constitutes effective token utility) and the methodology for achieving impactful outcomes (we encourage various approaches to reach an outcome).
  • Implementing a supportive legal framework to pre-vet token utilities could add significant value to keep contributions efficient and prevent non-regulatory compliant ones.

10. What budget should this strategy be allocated for?
Disclaimer: Please be aware that the final numbers might change based on the market price of the stablecoin allocation proposal.

200.000 USDC

Strategy 2: Foster module ecosystem

1. Which goals does the strategy look to drive progress in?
Foster vibrant ecosystem (Goal 1): SafeDAO benefits from a vibrant ecosystem built on shared components and standards. SafeDAO supports and empowers new and existing projects integrating with the Safe Protocol or initiatives supporting the usage of Safe Protocol.

2. Which metrics and KPIs could initiatives under this strategy be measured against?
Disclaimer: KPIs should always be considered in relation to each other and not in isolation. For instance, the number of modules developed should be evaluated in conjunction with their quality. We would always prefer two high-quality contributions over five low-quality ones.

  1. Number of modules developed
  2. Quality level of proposed modules (via individual assessment)
  3. Usage of modules, e.g. value driven through modules / transaction volume / number activation / percentage of Safes with modules activated
  4. Integration of modules (actual traction and individually assessed via former cases/benchmarks)
  5. Developer satisfaction score (for improvements, via rating mechanism)

3. Outline the execution strategy or thesis
Developers are encouraged to create new modules focusing on new use cases, robust implementation, and thorough auditing. Creation of libraries and further developer tooling. Execution should have a strong emphasis on boosting the security of the module ecosystem, possibly through sponsored auditing.

4. What are some example initiatives that would fall under this strategy

  • Creating new modules, e.g. recovery module, passkeys, security guard
  • Make existing modules more accessible for developers and end users
  • Porting existing modules

5. Detail around existing data or evidence to support this thesis
The Zodiac toolkit by Gnosis Guild is utilized by 239 entities, and has 19 active GitHub contributors, indicating its significant engagement and adoption

6. Detail around any risks associated with this strategy

  • Curation and quality control: Risk of subpar module development without proper quality control
  • Discovery problem and fragmentation

7. If this strategy succeeds, what is the happy case?

  • Diverse and robust ecosystem: A vibrant ecosystem with a wide range of functional modules.
  • User satisfaction leading to development demand: Positive feedback from users leads to increasing demand for module development
  • Strong market position: Enhanced competitive advantage through modularity in the industry

8. If this strategy fails, what would be some reasons?

  • Poor quality modules: Development of low-impact or redundant modules with no clear value proposition
  • Insufficient developer engagement: Lack of participation or interest from the developer community.

9. Assessment of the strategy’s maturity and if there is additional data that needs to be collected for the validation of this strategy
The strategy has been assessed as mature as developing modules is a key growth driver, and it’s already showing initial traction in execution.

10. What budget should this strategy be allocated for?
Disclaimer: Please be aware that the final numbers might change based on the market price of the stablecoin allocation proposal.

300.000 USDC

Strategy 3: Increase awareness of Safe Ecosystem

1. Which goals does the strategy look to drive progress in?
Foster vibrant ecosystem (Goal 1): SafeDAO benefits from a vibrant ecosystem built on shared components and standards. SafeDAO supports and empowers new and existing projects integrating with the Safe Protocol or initiatives supporting the usage of Safe Protocol.

2. Which metrics and KPIs could initiatives under this strategy be measured against?

  • Social media reach/engagement (for content pieces)
  • Cost-per-activation (Number of attributable wallet connections (“users added”))
  • Retention of attributable wallet connections
  • Quality of content (via individual assessment)

3. Outline the execution strategy or thesis
The strategy could leverage content marketing and educational initiatives to highlight the benefits and functionalities of Safe products. This can cover IRL activations, educational content or documentation. This should not cover “random” educational initiatives that do not create an impact.

Initiatives for this strategy should show their previous track record, avoiding untested, random efforts. Due to the difficulty in measuring effectiveness, a higher reputation standard is crucial for ensuring impactful and reliable results.

4. What are some example initiatives that would fall under this strategy

  • Partnering with thought leaders for webinars and live Q&A sessions.
  • Creation of recurring content like newsletters or podcasts
  • Interactive social campaigns encouraging user participation and feedback
  • Workshops about how developers can leverage Safe products, e.g., SDK / Protocol with regard to modules

5. Detail around existing data or evidence to support this thesis

  • Arbitrum Grants Program has expanded its awareness initiatives by engaging a broader group of contributors through various contests (like jokerace) and initiatives (such as the Gitcoin partnership). This approach has resulted in a significant increase in contributions (>20k contributions) and a surge in grant program applications, enhancing awareness. Similar strategies can be employed to activate the community’s interest in SAFE’s products.
  • Polkadot and Revolut partner to launch a “Learn&Earn” course on Revolut’s platform in order to foster the adoption of crypto, as well as to bring interest to the DOT token.
  • Optimism Collective’s RetroPGF is dedicated to supporting projects that help develop and use the OP Stack. Eligible initiatives include YouTube channels, newsletters and educational websites. 10m OP was allocated to 195 projects, where the top 10% of projects received more than 140k OP and generated measurable results reported in the forum.

6. Detail around any risks associated with this strategy

  • Misalignment of content tone or subject matter with target audience
  • Fragmentation and oversaturation of content
  • Low impact production of content through AI tools

7. If this strategy succeeds, what is the happy case?

  • Significant increase in ecosystem recognition and product understanding.
  • Measurable uptick in wallet activations and sustained user engagement.
  • Further establishment of Safe as a thought leader around smart accounts.

8. If this strategy fails, what would be some reasons?

  • Ineffective content that fails to create an impact
  • Inadequate reach due to poor distribution
  • Not focusing on the right target audience

9. Assessment of the strategy’s maturity and if there is additional data that needs to be collected for the validation of this strategy
Quality assurance of contributions remains a challenging task, given the broad nature of the strategy. To avoid arbitrary contributions, we aim to especially focus on setting more specific examples and emphasize stringent feedback to ensure focused and effective progress.

10. What budget should this strategy be allocated for?
Disclaimer: Please be aware that the final numbers might change based on the market price of the stablecoin allocation proposal.

250.000 USDC

Strategy 4: Research decentralization of Safe tech stack

1. Which goals does the strategy look to drive progress in?
Resilience through decentralization (Goal 2): The Safe Ecosystem shall be independent from any single entity. The Safe Ecosystem components, including governance, should be decentralized and permissionless.

2. Which metrics and KPIs could initiatives under this strategy be measured against?

  • Number of research pieces, incl. coverage of pre-defined elements
  • Quality level of contributions (via individual assessment of depth, accuracy, actionability)

3. Outline the execution strategy or thesis
The strategy involves conducting comprehensive research and prototyping regarding the decentralization of the Safe tech stack.

4. What are some example initiatives that would fall under this strategy
Formats can cover initiating whitepapers or reports on different aspects of tech stack decentralization as well as developing prototypes or models to test theories and solutions in a controlled environment. This can cover topics such as potential censorship vectors, cross-chain scalability and compatibility, or (existing) tech stack considerations like the transaction service or fee engine.

5. Detail around existing data or evidence to support this thesis
Range of primitives ranging from research to application of modules that give an indication of viability of this thesis, although still not entirely conclusive due to its experimental nature. Research is comparable to that of RPC decentralization, ERC-4337 or light clients.

6. Detail around any risks associated with this strategy
The complexity of the subject might lead to challenges in communicating findings effectively so it can be used as a basis for practical development.

7. If this strategy succeeds, what is the happy case?

  • Creation of a robust body of research that significantly advances the understanding of decentralized tech stacks.
  • Development of practical solutions and models that can be implemented for improved decentralization

8. If this strategy fails, what would be some reasons?

  • ​​Research findings may not be actionable or applicable in a real-world scenario.
  • Limited engagement or collaboration from the wider development community.

9. Assessment of the strategy’s maturity and if there is additional data that needs to be collected for the validation of this strategy
Strategy is aimed to be less mature and more experimental due to the nature of the research mission itself (many different potential solutions and duality on how to get to tangible decentralization of the tech stack) and the methodology of how to land at an impactful outcome (we encourage different paths to get to an outcome).

10. What budget should this strategy be allocated for?
Disclaimer: Please be aware that the final numbers might change based on the market price of the stablecoin allocation proposal.

200.000 USDC

Strategy 5: Increase governance participation

1. Which goals does the strategy look to drive progress in?
Resilience through decentralization (Goal 2): The Safe Ecosystem shall be independent from any single entity. The Safe Ecosystem components, including governance, should be decentralized and permissionless.

2. Which metrics and KPIs could initiatives under this strategy be measured against?

  • Creation of tooling with believable impact on transparency
  • Impact on governance participation (direct attributable increase in participation through tool): amount of tokens used for voting, amount of individual voters, distribution of voting power
  • Impact on facilitation of governance process

3. Outline the execution strategy or thesis
Increasing accessibility through tooling and services to increase active participation in governance processes and to enhance transparency and efficiency in the governance system.

4. What are some example initiatives that would fall under this strategy

  • Development of analytics dashboards for real-time tracking of governance activities.
  • Introduction of authentication solutions to secure and streamline the participation of stakeholders in the governance process.
  • CRM tools specialized for governance to facilitate communication and decision-making.
  • Implementation of partial delegation systems to encourage broader participation.
  • Milestone tracking system or service to ensure transparency and accountability in governance decisions and resource allocation

5. Detail around existing data or evidence to support this thesis
There are various case studies how governance tooling, services and campaigns are being utilized. The following only serve as an example:

  • Authentication Solutions: Platforms like Llama and Aragon aim to provide secure access control and action execution in governance. Lido is utilizing Aragon to secure its governance.
  • CRM Tools for Governance: Tools like Tally improve proposal creation, voting, and delegation, enhancing communication and decision-making. Compound and Uniswap are successful use case
  • Milestone tracking system: Gearbox DAO uses OBRA Framework to streamline and optimize resource allocation.

6. Detail around any risks associated with this strategy

  • Increased operational complexity of the overall governance process
  • Fragmentation

7. If this strategy succeeds, what is the happy case?

  • Significant increase in the number and diversity of participants in the governance process.
  • Enhanced transparency and efficiency in governance decisions.

8. If this strategy fails, what would be some reasons?
Lack of integration with existing governance structures and missing impact.

9. Assessment of the strategy’s maturity and if there is additional data that needs to be collected for the validation of this strategy
The strategy has been assessed to be mature, as it is fairly evident which type of initiatives and tools would be integrated, supported by data to measure governance activity based on services and campaigns in other DAOs.

10. What budget should this strategy be allocated for?
Disclaimer: Please be aware that the final numbers might change based on the market price of the stablecoin allocation proposal.

150.000 USDC

Wildcard strategy

Disclaimer: Please be aware that the final numbers might change based on the market price of the stablecoin allocation proposal.

100.000 USDC

Open Questions

Anything that needs to be cleared up before the community can make an informed decision?


Special thanks to Auryn, Nick, Georg Reichhelm, jengajojo, Lindsey, Nneoma, Charlie, and Varit for their contributions and feedback (list will be updated).


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.

Strategy Goal Budget
Research and implement Safe token utility Tokenize value (Goal 3) 200.000 USDC
Foster module ecosystem Foster vibrant ecosystem (Goal 1) 300.000 USDC
Increase awareness of Safe Ecosystem Foster vibrant ecosystem (Goal 1) 250.000 USDC
Research decentralization of Safe tech stack Resilience through decentralization (Goal 2) 200.000 USDC
Increase governance participation Resilience through decentralization (Goal 2) 150.000 USDC
Wildcard strategy All goals 100.000 USDC

Som feedback:

  • R&D for SAFE token utility is probably the highest priority of everything here for SafeDAO, as it unlocks the most future capital. It should probably be funded higher than anything else given its importance.

  • Increase governance participation feels too broad. Right now the main issues imho preventing governance participation is apathy given whale voters (why vote if my vote doesn’t count?), apathy given no token unlock (new ecosystem users can’t participate without market access; no capital to govern in the first place), and apathy given speed of DAO (things move very slow around here). A lot of these are social problems or issues with the underlying governance process (such as the ability for whales to push governance as they please). The doc mostly suggests tooling approaches to dealing with this (screenshot below):

I think a better approach would be to re/evaluate SafeDAO’s constitutional-governance surface and work on this narrower scope compared to the example initiatives in the doc (“partial delegation systems” kind of gets at this). My general point is that better tooling doesn’t really hit any of the major pain points this strategy wants to address. It’s a structural gov problem.

  • Increase awareness of Safe Ecosystem I’d reduce here by $50-100k and move to the token utility work. As said before, it’s far more important at the present moment.

Good points, @papa_raw. Agree, that token utility is indeed a crucial topic for the DAO, and I share the proposed approach to finding a proper utility through extensive research and development.

On increasing budget for R&D for SAFE token utility: Fully agree on the level of importance for SafeDAO overall. Imo this budget is already quite significant for paying community contributions that support research. I.e., the resource allocation should not be based solely on the priority of the strategy (all of them are important and, ideally, should be executed in parallel), but should also take into account a realistic budgeting request.

Reduce budget for awareness of Safe Ecosystem: This reasoning should also be applied to the Awareness Strategy, which, by the way, might be relevant for the Token Transferability Event

Increase governance participation feels too broad: Good point, esp. since governance participation is such a nuanced topic. E.g., having ‘more’ participants isn’t always better; there is a point where a quality threshold applies. We might benefit from providing additional examples to illustrate what other conceptual contributions could look like, beyond just a partial delegation system. I think the team has done a great job of capturing these nuances with the proposed KPIs. In the end, these KPIs will guide the selection of contributions and help in narrowing down the most relevant ones.