Call Details:
- Wednesday, December 04, 17:00 UTC
- Governance calendar: LINK
- Governance Recap
- Presentations from proposals in Phase 1
- [Draft] Introduction of Committee and Council structure within Outcomes-based resource allocation framework (OBRA) - @amanwithwings, @Andre
- [Draft] Establishing a DAO Oversight Committee to bring Strategy, Process & Accountability to Treasury Management to the SafeDAO - @Georg_Greenfield
- [Draft] [OBRA] Develop and Integrate Ecosystem Vaults - @LuukDAO
- [Draft] [OBRA] Contribution Efficiency System (CES) Bridge Extension - Areta - @bernard
- [Draft] Automated Governance Tracking System for SafeDAO - @PYOR
If you would like to add topics to the agenda, please comment below.