[Draft] Safe Community Catalyst: Unified Onboarding and Governance Engagement Program

@Jengajojo, @0xBaer from @DAOplomats.eth , @CupertinoSS ,@chlolands from @boardroom
Created: 2024-09-09


The Safe Community Catalyst Program is designed to streamline onboarding, foster continuous engagement, and deepen participation across the Safe ecosystem. By consolidating our efforts, we aim to reduce barriers for new participants, facilitate ongoing contributions, and enhance governance within SafeDAO. The program integrates comprehensive onboarding content, digital gatherings, mentorship, and consistent communication tailored to the diverse roles within the Safe ecosystem.

Aligned Strategy

[Strategy 5] Increase governance participation

Funding Request

  • Amount: 25,000 USDC
  • No upfront funding is required

Relation to Budget

The funding request represents 44.6% of the total leftover budget

Metrics and KPIs

1. Onboarding Effectiveness

  • Number of Participants:

    • Target: 20 participants in digital gatherings across users, contributors, and delegates.
    • Metric: Attendance rate at digital gatherings for each stakeholder group.
  • Completion Rate of Onboarding Tracks:

    • Target: ≈70% of contributors/delegates and 40% of community members who start an onboarding track.
    • Metric: Percentage of participants who complete onboarding tracks.
  • Onboarding Content Engagement:

    • Target: 2,000 views on onboarding documents, videos, and tutorials across all media.
    • Metric: Total views, downloads, and interaction rates with the onboarding materials (videos, articles, guides).
  • Mentorship Program Participation:

    • Metric: Number of delegates enrolled and completing the mentorship program.

2. Governance Engagement

  • Delegate Participation Rate in Governance:

    • Target: 70% of newly onboarded delegates participate in at least one governance proposal or voting cycle within the first three months.
    • Metric: Number of delegates who actively vote or submit proposals.
  • Live Governance Discussions Attendance:

    • Target: 10+ attendees across all live discussions hosted by DAOplomats.
    • Metric: Number of participants attending live governance discussions.
  • Governance Proposal Feedback Pipeline Usage:

    • Target: 5+ proposals submitted through the feedback pipeline by new contributors.
    • Metric: Number of proposals submitted and iterated upon through the proposal feedback pipeline.

3. Community Engagement and Communications

  • Weekly & Monthly Digest Engagement:

    • Target: 100 views on each forum post
    • Metric: Views per digest for governance and community digests published by Boardroom on the forum.
  • Event Engagement:

    • Target: 40+ community members engage across digital events.
    • Metric: Total participation rate across digital gatherings, mentorship sessions, and live discussions.
  • New Proposal Idea Generation:

    • Target: 5+ new proposal ideas generated from monthly onboarding calls and interactive sessions.
    • Metric: Number of new ideas formally submitted to the proposal feedback process from onboarding sessions.

4. Ecosystem Growth and Contribution

  • Contributor Engagement:

    • Target: 10+ new contributors onboarded and actively engaging in ecosystem projects.
    • Metric: Number of contributors who complete the onboarding process and start contributing to the Safe ecosystem.
  • User Feedback and Satisfaction:

    • Target: 80% satisfaction rate among onboarding and governance support program participants.
    • Metric: Survey results measuring participant satisfaction with onboarding, mentorship, and governance processes.

Initiative Description

Key Components:

Program Goals:

  • To reduce overwhelm and encourage active participation, provide tailored onboarding experiences for users, contributors, and delegates.
  • Facilitate deeper engagement in SafeDAO governance through live discussions, mentorship, and consistent updates.
  • Empower all participants to contribute meaningfully to the Safe ecosystem, driving innovation and growth.

By combining the strengths of Boardroom and DAOplomats, the Safe Community Catalyst Program aims to create a more accessible, engaging, and vibrant community within the Safe ecosystem.

Boardroom-Led Initiatives:

  • Users and Contributors:

    • Digital Gatherings: Boardroom will host two digital gatherings focused on critical aspects of the Safe ecosystem, outlining the landscape for users and contributors. These gatherings will help participants understand potential actions and assign ownership of specific tasks.

    • Onboarding Tracks: Establish tailored onboarding tracks for users and contributors, utilizing community-driven content curation to highlight the most relevant resources. This track will clearly define action and decision landscapes for these stakeholders.

    • Supporting Content: Develop a user-friendly onboarding guide and knowledge base supported by video tutorials and in-depth articles. This content will help users and contributors navigate the ecosystem and find meaningful ways to engage.

    • Weekly & Monthly Updates: Boardroom will publish weekly and monthly digests, including governance updates, proposal summaries, community call notes, and event reminders. These communications aim to address information asymmetry and enhance community trust.

DAOplomats-Led Initiatives:

  • Delegates:

    • Digital Gatherings: DAOplomats will host two digital gatherings specifically for new delegates. These sessions will address the unique challenges of DAO governance and guide effective participation.

    • Onboarding Tracks: Tailored onboarding tracks for delegates will be established, offering detailed resources and mentorship to help them engage effectively in SafeDAO governance.

    • Mentorship Program: DAOplomats will run two 5-week mentorship programs for new delegates, pairing them with experienced community members to reduce onboarding friction and foster meaningful participation.

    • Live Discussions: DAOplomats will host live discussions on SafeDAO governance, providing a human-centric approach to governance education and engagement.

    • Proposal Support Pipeline: Establish a proposal feedback process, helping community members formalize and refine their ideas to ensure alignment with DAO objectives.

Current Status

Does the offering (product/service) already exist, or is the funding used to create it?

The Safe Community Catalyst Program is a new initiative that will be created using the requested funding.


Potential risks include lower-than-expected adoption of onboarding resources and participation in community events, difficulty recruiting mentors and ambassadors, and unforeseen technical challenges in developing the onboarding landing page and participant tracks.

Timeline and Milestones

Month Week Activity Target Audience Goals
October 2024 Week 1-2 Kickoff meeting, finalize onboarding content and promote the program. All stakeholders Program content finalized, promotional campaign live.
Identify mentors and structure the mentorship program. Delegates Mentors paired, delegates ready for mentorship.
Week 3-4 First Digital Gathering (Users & Contributors): Safe ecosystem introduction, roles. Users, Contributors Attendees to the onboarding track for users launched.
Mentorship Program Kickoff: First session for new delegates. Delegates Delegates enrolled in mentorship.
November 2024 Week 1-2 Ongoing Mentorship Program: Mentorship sessions with feedback check-ins. Delegates Midpoint feedback, enrolled delegates actively participating.
Second Digital Gathering (Delegates): Governance overview, proposal drafting. Delegates Proposals drafted.
Governance Discussions: Live governance discussions led by DAOplomats. Delegates Participants engage in live discussions.
Week 3-4 Proposal Feedback Pipeline Launch: Open pipeline for governance proposal support. All community members Proposals submitted through the pipeline.
Onboarding Track 1 (Users) Completion: Users complete onboarding. Users Users who complete onboarding.
First Monthly Digest Release: Governance updates, community calls, proposal summaries. All stakeholders Views on the digest.
December 2024 Week 1-2 Third Digital Gathering (Contributors): Overview of SafeDAO workstreams and contributions. Contributors Contributors attend, onboarding track completed.
Mentorship Program Completion: Conclude mentorship program and governance participation. Delegates 10% of delegates complete mentorship, 70% engage in governance.
Week 3-4 Second Monthly Digest Release: Community updates and governance summaries. All stakeholders 500+ views on the digest
Program Feedback & Evaluation: Collect feedback to evaluate KPIs and satisfaction surveys. All stakeholders 80% satisfaction rate, impact evaluation completed.
Roadmap Planning for Next Quarter: Plan for Q1 2025 based on feedback and results. All stakeholders Following quarter roadmap and strategy finalized.

Initiative Lead

Who is the accountable initiative lead? (individual or organization)
This initiative is a combined effort of the DAOplomats and Boardroom.


Chloe (Boardroom): Since 2021, Chloe has successfully covered a niche market: web3 marketing & comms. With an expansive digital marketing skillset that includes copywriting, social media management, and graphic design, she has the unique ability to bring DAOs and protocols captivating narratives to life. More than just a marketer, she helps bring quality engagement to communities.

Alex (Boardroom): Alex is a governance analyst who has led Boardroom’s governance facilitation collaboration with Moonwell since February 2024 (see: monthly reports, weekly recaps, monthly governance calls). He has other experience working at a DeFi protocol and a web3 venture capital firm.

Jengajojo (DAOplomats) is an experienced DAO delegate active in the Safe DAO since October 2022. He has successfully delivered such initiatives through DAOplomats at BanklessDAO, Rari, and 1inch.

Baer.eth (DAOplomats): Active governor in the decentralised ecosystem. Part of the DAOplomats initiative, which pushed the DAO to open communication channels and Community calls without going through a complex bureaucratic DAO vote.

Additional support/resources

The Safe Community Catalyst Program requests support from the Safe Ecosystem Foundation and core contributors through access to existing onboarding materials and documentation, collaboration on developing governance education resources, and promotion of the two-day summit and its resources to the Safe Community.

Implementation dependencies

The Safe Community Catalyst Program requires no prior changes to the current governance processes. However, the program’s success may depend on the Safe Community’s willingness to adopt and engage with the developed resources and initiatives.


Looking forward to hearing feedback on our proposal! Feel free to ask any clarifying questions or reach out to anyone on the Boardroom side via Twitter, messages here on the forums, or comments on the post

Hi @jengajojo ! Thanks for taking the time to draft a proposal.

We are in Sprint 4 of Season 3. Sprint 4 is a review period, therefore no funding / OBRA proposals can be submitted.

The next sprint possible is Season 4, Sprint 1 on September 30. Moving back to Phase 0 for now.