[Draft][OBRA] Governance Onboarding Program - DAOplomats

This proposal was previously posted in Phase 0 discussion: [Discussion][OBRA] Governance Onboarding Program - DAOplomats


A cohort based onboaring program for new delegates to understand SAFE governance and start meaningful participation

Aligned strategy:

Strategy 5: Increase Governance Participation

Funding request:

9,999 USDC

If applicable, upfront funding:

  • 20% upfront
  • Remaining streamed over 8 weeks

Relation to budget:


Metrics and KPIs:

  • Number of new delegates who have signed up for SAFE governance
  • Number of unique attendees over the mentorship period
  • Number of proposals from new delegates

Initiative description:

New delegates often find it difficult to catch up with what is happening in the DAO and how to go about participating in governance. In order to reduce this barrier and enable a human centric approach to helping new delegates, DAOplomats will run two, 5 week long mentorship programs for new delegates in order to tackle these challanges

Current status:

There is no such service in SAFE DAO at the moment


  • Lack of participation in the mentorship sessions
  • Fresh delegates diving into crypto/DAOs for the first time are not so good

Timeline and milestones:

The program will kick started with a 2 week sign up period, followed by kickstarting cohort 1

Week Topic Deliveriable
1 Introduction to DAO Governance Session with QnA
2 SAFE Products and SAFE DAO Session with QnA
3 OBRA: Proposal Creation Workshop
4 OBRA: Proposals Feedback Workshop
5 OBRA: Final sprint Workshop

At the end of the cohort, feedback will be collected and those suggestions will be used to improve cohort 2.

Initiative lead:

jengajojo via DAOplomats


Jengajojo & 0xbaer, will be involved in content creation, delivery and feedback for new delegates. Both have been active governors in the ecosystem as well as SAFE DAO since inception via a meta-governance group that we spun up at BanklessDAO called DAOStewards. DAOplomats is a governance as a service org which has helped other DAOs with their governance. It’s members are delegates in several DAOs including gitcoin, bankless, 1inch, optimism, arbitrum, vita, connext, etc…

Additional support/resources:

We would like to request the assistance of SAFE Governance Lead and SAFE Product lead to assist us in delivering some of the introductory sessions as well as the SAFE social media team with promotion of this opportunity within the ecosystem