Big questions for SAFE TEAM

Hi Bruce, just to chime in. Appreciate your impatience here ser, but I don’t feel it’s super productive to push ‘wen token,’ when there is a structured plan in terms of milestones and the team is continuously developing and publicly releasing updates.

On 1 & 2, not sure if I follow your argumentation line here. To my knowledge, Safe never stated anywhere, that the token is intended to remain non-transferable. Transferability is in the sole domain of the DAO. There was a decision from the community that before continuing to explore transferability, we should follow a structured approach along 5 specific milestones. Once these are met, the question of enabling the transferability of SAFE will be revisited and put to a vote again. And feels like we’ve been all collectively working toward the milestones since then.

Similar regarding the token utility. The latest on this is the recent idea submission thread for token utility. 3 structured threads exist on the topic, where you could contribute productively to contribute ideas. The team just recently posted a comment that there is an update coming soon.
1. Token Utility Initial Topic Thread
2. Token Utility Call for Input - Instructions
3. Token Utility Call for Input - Submissions

Btw I think “giving a high price to the token” is not what is or should be the priority of any legitimate project.

I found the regular community calls to be super helpful to dig into these more granular topics. Lots of productive discussions there :slight_smile: