About the Grants category

Welcome to the Grants hub on the Safe Forum!

Please use the following sub-categories for their respective channels:

  • Wave 1: Questions, comments and details for all topics relating to Wave 1 Grants.

  • Wave 2: Questions, comments and details for all topics relating to Wave 2 Grants. Note: Wave 2 has not yet kicked off.

  • Future Grant SEP Discussions: This topic is for Future Grant SEP Discussions

  • Other: Please use this topic for things not related to Wave 1, Wave 2 or Future Grant SEP Discussions


Hi! I had a few questions regarding wave 1. iā€™m looking to apply for a growth grant and wanted to know where to look for requirements, deadlines and application process. Ty!

Hello @Mashiat_Mutmainnah ,

You can find all of this information on CharmVerse. All relevant info is also found in this Forum post.

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