[SEP #4] SafeDAO Constitution

Thanks for sharing these perspectives.

I saw this article in the website you shared

I think this article serves as a good guide for this proposal.
There is a very detailed explanation about the meaning of DAO and the meaning of the DAO constitution.

For example:

And so, if you imagine a longship, and every token holder as the holder of an oar, the way that I think about it is that something like a constitution is like a coxswain (the person who sits at the front of the boat).

The fact is that among the current Safe token holders, the vast majority of normal users do not have any power in fact, their participation is just wasting time with the whales without even knowing who the whales are :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Many people think that my speech in the forum is only for the transfer of token, and that I am a short-sighted person who only considers self benefits.

I admit, it was like this at first.

And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, I’m not some saint and neither are you.

But when the SEP#2 vote was not passed, I started to think about the significance of my spending so much time participating in forum governance, my comments were actually on the side of the majority of users (as evidenced by the number of likes I got) , but our opinions are virtually worthless.

In fact, in SEP#2, the voting is only decided by about 5 people. I can say unceremoniously that the participation of the remaining 1800 people is meaningless, because they can’t change anything by voting or not voting, even if these 1800 people choose the same voting option (which is what it is, about 90% of people voted yes), nothing will change.

In SEP#2, two voting addresses (at present, it may be held by the same person) hold 12M voting rights, which is almost more than the sum of the current voting rights of all users.

Yet we don’t even know who those two addresses are, and we didn’t know the reason of their vote. NO transparency al all, So what is the point of other DAO members participating?

The team should at least clarify these whale addresses belong to whom, otherwise there is no need for the next vote, just an internal meeting of 5 whales can decide the proposal, please don’t let the remaining more than 1,800 DAO members participate in this meaningless vote.

To be honest, I don’t expect tokens to be transferable right now, especially in this market situation.

I’m just trying to figure out, besides the whales, what’s the point of the participation of the remaining DAO members? Is this opaque minority governance a waste of the majority’s time?

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