hey @adamhurwitz.eth, thanks for the posting the tl;dr from Discord.
may of @daostewards’ proposals are related to building basic infra for Governance, and often, they can be achieved without a proposal if all the stakeholders are comfortable without a governance vote. example of one such proposal: [SEP #X] Improve Communication in SafeDAO.
So on to
I think it makes sense to wait until Theo and SEF publish their version of the SafeDAO GitHub repository. That sounds like it will happen soon after ETHTokyo, so the timing you mention aligns well.
This conversation has been active since January, and ETHTokyo was almost 1 month ago, and I haven’t seen any communication from Safe or @theobtl since then. Thus moving this ‘idea’ to a proposal might add some area for broader community discussion.
We will be tracking our contributions in GitHub through PRs, and also have Mad Hatter Bot in the BanklessDAO server, which can keep track of our Hrly work.
HackMd is excellent for publishing 1-page guides but limited to options when dealing with complex Wikis with subpages. I know there are workarounds to publish Wikis, but that won’t have the best UX in terms of content management.
There are Web3 alternatives for like Chamverse but i haven’t done much research into those to provide an answer.