Safe Guardian Responsibilities

My reply in the other thread: [SEP #X] Improve Communication in SafeDAO - #23 by links

I disagree with your characterization of my discord messages and efforts. I’ve been trying for weeks to get a discord channel for informal and ad-hoc discussion, and you (here on the forum) and John (a Safe guardian on discord) have been telling me that the information asymmetry and silos would be detrimental to our governance. And yet, based on this post, it sounds like both of you are okay with the informal, ad-hoc telegram that you have set up.

This kind words of misalignment between your words and actions (and lack of transparency over the last two weeks) doesn’t make SafeDAO feel like a decentralized organization. It is demoralizing and feels like centralized-org culture.

If the Safe Guardians truly “enable SafeDAO to scale” beyond the existing Safe team, avoiding situations like this would be beneficial IMHO.