Proposal: SAFE distribution for users

a couple of thoughts on the proposal. Full disclosure: I’m an owner/co-signers of Safes that have deployed multiple proxies and use them actively for development. I will address a few points that have been already brought up:

  1. concerns for ETH as the only weighted factor

This is the one point I would amend for this proposal as a large number of development teams utilize stable coin to fund their treasury, not ETH. Although ETH balances maybe crucial to have for a regular multisig, it pales in comparison to be as critical as 1) stable coins holdings 2) native token within a treasury. 2) is of course impossible to quantify, which leaves stable coins as optimal shelling point for the distribution. My request for amendment would be to include both ETH, WETH and stable coins holdings over time

  1. concerns on picking Ethereum network users > other chains

Risk model for users on non-Ethereum chains is not comparable to the risk early users took by deploying assets through Safe (and prev: Gnosis Multisig) on Ethereum. I believe active users reward distribution should have causal relationship to a) risks incurred to the users of the early product b) how important the initial $$$ drives subsequent adoption. Let’s also be clear that, with the absence of the early adoption for the original Multisig on Ethereum- we would not have gotten here.

To give an example of what early risks looks like for the first few Safe users, note that the big Parity wallet hack would have been fresh in recent memory and that industry standards for teams would have been to use an institutional solution like custodial wallets.

transaction fees is another contributing factor on top of risks, really active users should at least expect amount quantifiable as kick back for usage on a higher gas cost L1

  1. Lack of incentives for future developments on other chains

I don’t think this is a good argument given that airdrops are rarely proven to drive the product adoption after the fact. Beyond the scope of this distribution, I think it’s a better fit for initiatives like Safe Guardians and subsequent ecosystem allocation to fund future application developments.

Ultimately, IMHO the the distribution criteria satisfies the established goals. My only request for change would be a point to consider stable coins held > time as a factor for weighted allocation.