Since you are referring to [SEP #2] Community Initiative To Unpause Token Contract (Enabling Transferability), then when is as – if not more – important as the what, isn’t it? From the comments in the SEP-2 thread, there seemed to be broad consensus on the what (i.e., enable transferability) but a variety of views on the when (i.e., now, after claiming period ends, later on, etc.). Doesn’t this show that editing timelines in a proposal can absolutely be a significant change that should not be considered a minor change, alongside changing typos or formatting?
As you can see from the comments above, the original question of defining when the review period is reset turned out to be quite controversial. The informal poll is currently at about 30%/70% and community members like @MicahZoltu have a point when they say:
If you ask me, it is therefore still a good idea to not try to force consent in this informal/non-SEP thread on aspects of SafeDAO’s governance, but rather collect a couple of these and bundle them in an upcoming SEP “SafeDAO Governance Framework”.
That would also legitimise this governance process here which has never been voted on itself.
The only downside I see is that we would have to fall back on the default review period of six days, no matter how insignificant a change was. Although I could also see this as a feature, not a big, since SafeDAO is still so early, not everyone has made it a routine to regularly check the forum (and could use more time) and the proposals we’re discussing are quite fundamental and important in nature. Giving them a few more days on this forum to mature won’t harm, I’m sure.
Does that make sense to you?