Areta Delegate Thread

Proposal: [SEP 37] [OBRA] Contribution Efficiency System (CES) Extension - Areta

Type: Snapshot

Rationale: This proposal seeks to extend the Contribution Efficiency System (CES) for Safe DAO. The CES supports OBRA initiatives by providing contributor onboarding, program support and comprehensive reporting, effectively elevating Safe DAO operations to an institutional grade. As the CES Program Managers, we will be abstaining from this vote in order to remain neutral.

Proposal: [SEP 38] [OBRA] Governance Accessibility and Participation Enhancement at SafeDAO - StableLab

Type: Snapshot

Rationale: This proposal seeks to allocate $35,000 to StableLab for the purpose of improving governance participation by providing frequent governance updates/summaries, hosting monthly onboarding calls, and providing ad-hoc support to SafeDAO workstreams. We are in support of this proposal and in general, initiatives that seek to boost community engagement within SafeDAO, as we believe it is a clear need for the DAO. Having worked with StableLab on their previous OBRA initiative (for the CES), we believe they are a capable and equipped partner to effectively tackle such a proposal.

Proposal: [SEP 39] [OBRA] Public API Development and Continuation of SafeDAO Governance Analytics Dashboard Services - Curia

Type: Snapshot

Rationale: This proposal seeks to allocate $50,000 to Curia for the purpose of continuing the operation of the SafeDAO Analytics Dashboard for an additional six months. The dashboard provides key metrics about SafeDAO governance, consistently published through reports on this Forum thread. The insights from these reports are valuable, providing yardsticks for measuring participation in governance, proposal outcomes, and voting power dynamics. We are in support of this proposal because it provides a key entry point into assessing what needs to be improved in SafeDAO governance, and enhances transparency within the DAO.

Proposal: [SEP 40] Governance Cycle Amendments Season 3, Sprint 3

Type: Snapshot

Rationale: This proposal seeks to amend SafeDAO’s governance cycle structure by primarily introducing a freeze period for proposals where changes are disallowed, and shortening the voting period from 12 days to 9 days. The rationale behind introducing a freeze period is to ensure that proposal feedback is implemented in a quick and non-disruptive way. Shortening the voting period creates 3 extra days between cycle votes, ensuring there is a cool-off period for voters. In effect, these changes will ensure active participation by proposal authors and reduce voting congestion, allowing delegates to optimally participate in votes with more time for thoughtful decision-making. We are in support of this proposal for these reasons.

Proposal: [SEP 41] [OBRA] Safe Ecosystem Roundups and Highlights by FinOps3

Type: Snapshot

Rationale: This proposal seeks to allocate $25,000 to Kolektivo Labs to produce newsletters, blogs and videos on the Safe Ecosystem for the next five months. This proposal is in line with the larger effort to boost community engagement and increase awareness of the Safe ecosystem among builders and users. These community engagement efforts are a necessary piece in both invigorating the current group of Safe stakeholders as well as enticing new and talented contributors to the DAO. We are therefore in support of this proposal.

Proposal: [SEP 42] [OBRA] Simulations and Report: Safings Accounts and Safe Vaults - Kolektivo Labs & Hopper Protocol

Type: Snapshot

Rationale: This proposal seeks to allocate $35,000 to Kolektivo Labs and Hopper Protocol to conduct research assessing the potential impact of Safings Accounts and Safe Vaults on SAFE token utility. The DAO decision to enable token transferability has brought with it the onus on DAO stakeholders to find meaningful and robust use cases for SAFE token. The proposal is aligned with the broader goal of improving the utility of the SAFE token, increasing its adoption and attractiveness to investors and users. We support the research/data-driven approach as a necessary precursor to the direct implementation of features or programs, and will therefore be voting in favour of this proposal.

Proposal: [SEP 43][OBRA] ZK Email Account Recovery - ZK Email

Type: Snapshot

Rationale: This proposal seeks to allocate $50,000 to ZK Email to implement an account recovery system for Safe wallet users, using the ZK-Email SDK. This project presents an important use-case for users who lose access to their credentials, rendering them unable to access their wallets. Furthermore, email-based recovery has become ubiquitous even for web3-native products due to its intuitiveness and consumers expectations of account recovery recourse. We are therefore in support of this proposal as we believe it extends the utility of the Safe wallets for less savvy users.

Proposal: [SEP 44] Creating SafeDAO’s first revenue stream through Community-Aligned Fees

Type: Snapshot

Rationale: This proposal introduces SafeDAO’s first revenue stream which strengthens token utility, community governance and empowers the vibrance of the ecosystem. Areta is in favour of establishing native swap fees as the initial revenue stream and as a logical starting point for ecosystem fee generation. We look forward to seeing how this revenue generation can be built on down the road.

Proposal: [SEP 45] Implementation of Transition Period for Committees and Councils Structure

Type: Snapshot

Rationale: This proposal aims to signal SafeDAO’s intent to move forward with a Committees and Councils Structure 15 and introduce a transition period to allow sufficient time for its full implementation. Areta supports this proposal to give the necessary lead time, and associated pause of funding new OBRA initiatives, to ensure the Committee and Council structures are properly and thoughtfully implemented.