Through SEP 49, SafeDAO approved the creation of a Strategy Steering Committee to oversee and guide OBRA. SEP 49 gives the Safe Ecosystem Foundation primary rights to nominate 3 members from the SEF or Core Contributors GmbH to the SSC. The Safe Ecosystem Foundation is excited to exercise this responsibility and nominate the initial members to the Strategy Steering Committee:
Amandeep (@amanwithwings)
Andre Geest (@Andre )
Valentin Seehausen (@Valentin )
The SEF will continuously monitor the scope of OBRA, and replace or propose to add additional members to the SSC if specific expertise is required. Building on the lessons from OBRA Wave 1, the SSC is advised to focus on improving impact measurement, refining strategies to attract new builders, and making the grant process lighter for small-scale experiments, and new entrants to the Safe ecosystem. We believe these changes will help SafeDAO reach its long-term goals.