Add support for XinFin XDC Network

To support Gnosis multichain mission and expand cross-chain experiences.

We believe this is the right moment for Gnosis wallet to add support for XinFin XDC Network

  1. Adding support for XinFin XDC Network can bring a lot of benefits (user base growth, higher user activity, higher revenue, market capture, return to the original DeFi vision etc)
  2. XinFin XDC Network is an EVM Compatible Network
  3. Able to port smart contracts with existing tools
  4. Xinfin XDC Network Developers team will help you with all the technical aspects which is required for the integration
  5. XDC Network has near Zero transaction fees and 2000+ tps.
  6. We the community are willing to incentivize Gnosis team adoption, financially and otherwise.

About XinFin XDC Network

The XinFin XDC Network is an enterprise-grade, EVM-compatible blockchain equipped with interoperable smart contracts. A highly optimized, bespoke fork of Ethereum, the XDC Network reaches consensus through a delegated proof-of-stake (dPoS) mechanism, which allows for two-second transaction time, near zero gas fees, and over 2,000 transactions per second (TPS).


This is the XinFin Community Members proposal to add XDC Network at Gnosis Multisig wallet.

We believe this is the right moment for Gnosis team to add support for XinFin XDC Network for many reasons.

The XinFin XDC Network has been growing steadily on daily basis


For all the reasons explained above, we believe the synergies between the two projects are obvious and it makes a lot of sense for the Gnosis community to support integration for XinFin XDC Network.

We respectfully submit this proposal for your consideration.

I would request gnosis team to check out the below pull request which has been raised for the support for the XDC Network

And all the pull request has been approved and merged by Gnosis official technical team

add xdc blockchain apothem testnet by gzliudan · Pull Request #166 · safe-global/safe-deployments · GitHub (add xdc blockchain apothem)

add xdc blockchain xinfin mainnet by gzliudan · Pull Request #167 · safe-global/safe-deployments · GitHub (add xdc blockchain xinfin)

update to v1.18.0 by gzliudan · Pull Request #322 · safe-global/safe-core-sdk · GitHub (update to v1.18.)

update to v1.18.0 by gzliudan · Pull Request #1507 · safe-global/web-core · GitHub (update to v1.18.)

Update Chains on EthereumNetwork by moisses89 · Pull Request #452 · safe-global/safe-eth-py · GitHub (Update Chains on)

Bump safe-eth-py[django] from 4.9.3 to 5.0.0 by dependabot[bot] · Pull Request #788 · safe-global/safe-config-service · GitHub ( Bump safe-eth-py[django] from 4.9.3 to 5.0.)

Update safe-eth-py to v5.0.0 by Uxio0 · Pull Request #1309 · safe-global/safe-transaction-service · GitHub ( Update safe-eth-py to v5.0.)

Add XDC (testnet and mainnet) to setup_service and price_service by pkakelas · Pull Request #1260 · safe-global/safe-transaction-service · GitHub ( Add XDC (testnet and mainnet) to setup_service and )

Add environment ETHEREUM_NODE_URL to contract and notification workers by gzliudan · Pull Request #67 · safe-global/safe-infrastructure · GitHub ( Add environment ETHEREUM_NODE_URL to contract and )

All the above pull request has been verified and merged by the official team so XDC Community members would request Gnosis team to add the support for the XDC Network at the Gnosis official safe Safe – Welcome

gm XinFin team,

We’re working on new ways to streamline the process of getting new chains to spin up their own Safe services (indexer) and get added to our canonical UI. Also something we’d like to support as a {Research} grant in [Discussion] Safe Grants Program (SGP).

But the unfortunate reality today is we can only add networks to our canoncial UI where we run the infra ourselves. And we’ve 30+ chains reaching out asking us to run the infra for them. So in summary, the safe core contributors dont have the capacity now in Q2 to support any additional chains.

One alternative is working with our partner Protofire to run a forked indexer and UI e.g. Many chains do this right now like Ronin, Fantom, Harmony, EVMOS.

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