Use Shielded Voting for SafeDAO Governance Voting

In the Snapshot Twitter Space last year it was discussed how to best approach the topic of shielded voting for the SafeDAO. There is a consensus that shielded voting provides a benefit to the general voting process, but there are some technical limitations (which have also been outlined in this post)

The best way that was identified to evaluate shielded voting was to create a Subspace on Snapshot that uses shielded voting via Shutter. A first step would be to define such a Subspace and how it ties into the current SEP process. As this is quite some overhead this step is unlikely to be taken immediately.

Another point that was discussed is pushing forward the decentralization of the Keyper network. Mid-term this is something the SafeDAO (and potentially the Safe foundation) should support by running a Keyper. Another proposal here would be to support this via a grant (e.g. every Keyper that participated in a shielded vote could be rewarded). But this is out of scope for this proposal and should be discussed separately.