SAFE Token Utility Proposal

Regarding point 2: OBRA strategies are being uploaded in a minute. Just working on adding the last feedback from the recent governance call.

[UPDATE] OBRA strategies and budget: [Discussion] OBRA strategies and budget


Repeating my thought above Iā€™d focus on making projects as specific as possible to fit into a 16 week SafeDAO season consisting of 4 sprints, 4 weeks each sprint. This will make it possible to build incrementally and grow successful projects.


I am glad you see the merit in my comments concerning regulation. In my opinion, there is no greater priority and it should be our primary area of focus until resolution. As Binanceā€™s CZ just learned the hard way, regs can and will impact everything if we allow it. Do you or anyone else want to work on a reg specific proposal or plan of action with me? I can begin work on a draft this week.

Why would you think that regulation is the primary thing, SAFE is a multi-signature technology based on Ethereum, which can be interpreted as software on Ethereum, all of which originated from Ethereum.

Maybe you should tell the Ethereum Foundation that it needs to do regulatory stuff?


When is the vote to enable SAFE token transferability?

Am I allowed to ask this question here or is there a better place to ask?


Although your statements are correct, Safeā€™s regulatory responsibilities remain the same. In fact, many would argue we should be leading the way in this regard especially considering the prevalence of Safe and the $ amount of assets we have in custody. The lack of compliance industry wide is one of the reasons why blockchain technology has yet to realize mass adoption.

Iā€™ve reached out to the EF multiple times in the last 4 years, about identity and regulatory concerns as well as the rapid acceleration of quantum computing advancement, and they essentially ignored both realities up until October 18, 2023 when Vitalik Buterin warned of the need for a hard fork in the event that the quantum era suddenly arrived. Which is unconscionable considering the amount of $ at stake, the amount of businessā€™s that could be impacted in such an event. The ID/regulatory issues could be resolved Ethereum wide by instituting an identity and proof of funds requirement for all participants along with the elimination of anonymous accounts. And whether itā€™s implemented as pure on chain logic using ZK proofs or an off chain work around doesnā€™t matter at this point when 60% of Etheruem runs on cloud servers owned by AWS and a myriad of other cloud providers - the purity of the blockchain is long gone at this point - not that it canā€™t be recovered. But I know avoiding the issue and or kicking the can down the road will only lead to problems like CZ of Binance and others have already learned the hard way.

The DAO I founded is Ethereum based but that didnā€™t stop us from being compliant. Everyone has a basic right to profit from the risk associated with building a startup or new technology regardless of whether the company is public or private. Itā€™s simply a matter of following the regs in place. And if you do, thereā€™s nothing to worry about.

Considering Safes has 75% of the defi market as its customers and is the creator of the protocol that many believe will be the default account structure in the future, we have a responsibility and opportunity to lead the way rather than wait for for someone else to do it.
The first public blockchain or the first significant project - the likes of Safe for example -that addresses compliance and regulation in accordance with prevailing international standards and norms will more than likely be the leader going forward. Investment and talent will pour in and challenges will be solved relatively quickly.

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Token utility comes from the things that are built on top of the token. Thereā€™s no reason to keep delaying the vote to unlock transferability. In order to attract builders transferability needs to be unlocked.


Hi All,

Went through the thread to scope the developments since Safe called on the community for inputs regarding token utility (My inputs are here

Comments I had the chance to look into
1)Great on @bernard for consolidating a great list on categories of stakeholders.
2)@adamhurwitz.eth has mentioned some great ideas (Utility team, 16week season of 4 sprints, other ideas on token utility, short + long business model alignment)
3) Andre and the Obra strategy and budget
4)@v3naru Safe API assessment

Anything else I missed? Would love to learn what the next steps regarding the token utility discusion



@lukasā€™ Smart Account Fee Engine (S.A.F.E.) is important for thinking and designing sustainable business models. Uniswap has implemented fees this past year and CoW Swap is working towards that as well.