Today’s Safe{Core} launch sparked more ideas for SAFE token utility.
Along a similar theme of providing valuable services to app developers with the ideas above in terms of marketplace and listing integration, the SafeDAO can begin to learn and develop a list of tools that app developers would be willing to pay for in order to outsource and operate more efficiently. For example, one of the reasons Apple and Google’s mobile app marketplace duopolies have remained and can charge developers 30% is because there are some valuable services they provide.
- App analytics: Safe must think about doing this in a privacy-first approach.
- E.g. Stake different levels of SAFE to receive increasing levels of analytics info.
- Developer access and permissions
- Payment management
- E.g. No or lower payment processing fees for paying with SAFE which allows app devs to pass on discounts to users who pay with SAFE.
- Review management
- E.g. Stake SAFE to earn a % of SAFE rewards for positive review milestones.
- Other developer tools…
There can be a healthy balance to offer a great experience for free to users for the core Safe app and independent developers building on the protocol. Then advanced tooling would be paid options. It’d be valuable to learn as a next step what tools teams like Den, Firm, Multis, and etc. need and would want to pay for to operate more effectively.