[Draft] [OBRA] Empowering Safe DAO: A CLI solution for efficient governance operations and increased participation - [IOPLUS]


The proposal aims to simplify the participation process of Safe DAO and increase the participation of Safe DAO users by developing the safe Vote CLI tool. At present, the governance process of Safe DAO is lengthy and complicated, the notification effect is not in place, and the participation rate is very low, which is contrary to the decentralized governance purpose of Safe. It is planned to develop the safe Vote CLI tool, which has the following functions: simplify the user voting process, provide voting governance notifications, view voting data, etc., and ultimately effectively improve the community participation of safe DAO.

Aligned strategy

[Strategy 5] Increase governance participation.

Funding request

21,000 USDC

Relation to budget

Budget Details:
The requested funding represents 100% of the remaining budget for Strategy 5
14% of Total Budget

Initiative Description


Command line tools are widely used around the world.

According to the annual Stack Overflow Developer Survey, a significant portion of developers use command-line tools in their daily work. For instance, the 2023 Stack Overflow Developer Survey reported that approximately 79.1% of developers use command-line interfaces on Linux, Windows, or macOS.

In addition, system administrators, DevOps engineers, data scientists, and researchers who also rely on these tools to complete daily tasks.

Although GUI applications dominate consumer computing, command line usage remains popular across industries.

According to pypistats, the monthly download volume of safe-cli is also as high as over 6000(Compared with the latest number of people who participated in safeDAO, it is 30 times!).

According to the latest SafeDAO Governance Analytics Report Thread, Safe DAO governance participation is only 3.27%.
In fact, Safe DAO’s two latest proposals:
[SEP 45] Implementation of Transition Period for Committees and Councils Structure
[SEP 44] Creating SafeDAO’s first revenue stream through Community-Aligned Fees

Only 167 people participated in the vote. Participation rate is only 1.6%! which means that the concept of safe DAO goes against the grain!

Based on the above premise, we put forward a proposal to develop a safe Vote CLI tool, which aims to simplify the safe voting process and increase governance participation.

This CLI tool has the following functions:

  • Simplify the voting process, and complete the voting quickly with one line of command, which is theoretically more than 60% faster than snapshot.org voting.
  • Support viewing proposal profiles and details.
  • Support viewing voting data and historical voting.
  • Support EOA account and Safe contract account voting.
  • Notification system, including desktop notifications, email notifications, discord bot notifications, etc.
  • Support exporting voting data analysis.

Our project will be 100% open source on GitHub and will be continuously maintained.

We will deploy a safe vote CLI documentation site and write detailed and friendly safe vote CLI entry documents

Current status

The design for this proposal is ready and discussed with ioplus team.


The risks involved are implementation and execution risks. Given the experience of our teams the risks should be minimal.

Timeline and milestones

Week Focus Cost (USDC) Description outcome
1-2 code design 3,000 Research of snapshot API, Safe Vote CLI Architecture Design, init the projects Code specifications,Safe Vote CLI README,
3-6 Development of Safe Vote CLI 15,000 Develop Safe Vote CLI core functions Safe Vote CLI repository commits
7-8 Document site 3,000 Improve CLI and write usage documentation documentation site, npm package, Safe Vote CLI and documentation repository

Initiative lead

cosin2077 An experienced full-stack developer skilled in front-end, Node.js, and Web3 technologies.


The initiative will be led by cosin2077, supported by a dedicated team proficient in web3 developments.

cosin2077: Developer and tech lead with 10 years of senior engineer experience.
wirender: Experienced and responsible project manager

Additional support/resources

  • Potentially help from Safe team on email subscription push notifications.

Hey @chris, flagging that your current funding request is more than the available budget for Strategy 5. If this isn’t addressed, the request won’t proceed to a vote.

If you are open to a reduced budget, please update the funding request accordingly. Otherwise, you may apply to other strategies (if your proposal aligns with them). Note that to be considered in this sprint, all changes need to be finalized before 11:59 PM UTC, November 4 (that is today).

More details on Strategies and available budgets: Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.

Thanks for the reminder

We are a delegate with sufficient voting power , we believe this is ready for a vote!

In fact, this is a good attempt. I have seen your slides. I am also a heavy command line user. If you can provide a complete and stable tool, you can give it a try.
As a delegates with sufficient voting power , I believe this proposal can move to vote

updated: sorry for the wrong address before.