SEP (XX) The missing piece for Safe Ecosystem Grants Program

Thank you for taking the time to draft this concept @Liorg!

I agree on your opportunity stated.

Create an ecosystem support organization complementary to the Safe Grants Program

E.g. Funding, Technical development & audits, Business development & growth, Legal & compliance, Operations, Talent acquisition, etc.

This concept seems potentially similar to Longhash’s accelerator program designed to help teams after the grants program take their projects to the next level or for advanced teams outside of the grants program too.

Post grants programs

I could see having many paths for teams to take to partner with organizations like Covariance, Longhash, and hopefully more to come, post the grants program. This could be a network of options available to teams. The way I would see this working is teams and organizations going through a matching process based on their individual needs, orgs like Covariance and Longhash’s resources, expertise, and etc.

Under this concept teams could choose to accept grants, investment, etc. from Covariance after the grants program in turn for their partnership.

Working with the grants program

It would be great to find opportunities to leverage Covariance’s expertise during the grants program. This could potentially be a research or growth grant proposal within the grants program.

In a grants proposal it will be important to know how the Covariance team would work with the existing grants council team for each milestone of the current grants program. If not feasible for Wave 1, which launched internally on Aug 10, perhaps this could be planned for Wave 2.

  • Safe core team council lead
  • Safe core team ecosystem lead
  • Safe core team developer relations lead
  • Safe community technical lead
  • Safe community product lead
  • Safe community wildcard lead


@links is correct regarding SAFE token rewards not being to be allocated until they are transferable and voted on by the SafeDAO, a separate organization than the Safe Ecosystem Foundation. I had the same question about SAFE token rewards for the Safe Grants Council community members too. The way this will work for us is a SafeDAO proposal will be submitted to vote on SAFE token allocations based on the councils contributions.

The proposed funding of $100k+ USD is likely outside the scope of grants within the Safe Grants Program Wave 1, according to the Safe Ecosystem Foundation. $100k USD is roughly > 60% of the rough estimate allocated to Growth Grants for Wave 1. It would be interesting to see how much potential impact is possible given a $50k EUR grant.

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