[SEP #X] Vote to Enable Token Transferability

Hi Bruce,
I’m moving this post to Phase 0 and modifying the title to exclude the SEP number. These are the reasons behind this decision:

Formal requirements:

SEP numbering: Our governance process allows for direct posting of proposals to Phase 1. However, the SEP title needs to be a placeholder "[SEP #X], as the forum admins assign the number after the post is made. Since there is already a proposal with SEP #7, assigning the number yourself created two proposals with the same number.

Subject matter:

  • Your proposal asks for a direct vote on enabling the transferability which is currently not possible. SafeDAO agreed on milestones in SEP #3 that must be achieved before any further voting can take place.

  • An ongoing discussion exists for a proposal with SEP #7, which addresses milestones and transferability. Rather than having duplicate proposals, it would be more impactful to contribute to the existing discussion.

I would love for you to join our next community call on Monday, June 19, at 4pm CET/10am ET and have you share your comments there.