[SEP #2] Community Initiative To Unpause Token Contract (Enabling Transferability)

To be clear: I have no involvement in putting this on Snapshot, nor do I support it at this stage.

I mean, doing this now also is not in accordance with the initial governance setup which requires a proposal to be in Phase 1, while this proposal draft I’ve made is still in Phase 0.

I don’t know if I haven’t made myself clear enough, but I don’t intend to move this proposal to Phase 1 before SEP #1 has passed. In fact, I wanted to wait until the end of this month, so that the community has some additional time to align on the goals/mission of SafeDAO.

So if someone wants to have a proposal about enabling transferability right now, and not near the end of October, please write another proposal and post it directly in the SEP category to initiate Phase 1, and then post it after 6 days on Snapshot – because I won’t move this proposal before 3 conditions are met:

  • A decision about SEP #1 was made
    ** Status: Not put on Snapshot, but should be imminent **
  • $SAFE claims calmed down (daily average < 100)
    ** Status: Probably happens within this or next week **
  • A discussion around community alignment on goals/mission of SafeDAO has taken place (not necessarily by the means of a SEP)
    ** Status: / **