[SEP #2] Community Initiative To Unpause Token Contract (Enabling Transferability)

I’m not sure I understand your question, but let me try.

When you mention the user airdrop, you’re right that users of Safe only got so much of the total allocation of SAFE, while other groups like Guardians received more. (That is, the same amount in total, but more per account.) This was supposed to be a feature of SafeDAO, not a bug. Guardians are contributors to the Safe ecosystem and were rewarded for their contributions. This should also be in the interest of users, since contributors to the Safe ecosystem keep Safe maintained and build innovative solutions on top of Safe. Guardians are also by no means a fixed group. There will be more opportunities in the future to become a Guardian, based on valuable contributions to the Safe ecosystem. Any user who chooses to get involved and contribute to Safe will have a chance to become a Guardian, too.
I understand that the raw numbers of the token distribution may seem like users only got a small portion (5%), but please note that – if you exclude the 60% treasury allocations – almost all allocations go to a certain user group. 5% to non-contributing users, another 5% to Guardians who are usually users too (individual or organisational) as well as 7% as grants/ecosystem rewards which will also likely go to individual or organisational heavy-users who also professionally work with or around Safe. Lastly, Safe would not be here without the support behind the 8% strategic raise as well as the 15% team & future team allocation. Like @lukas, I am not aware of any team member voting on SEP-2.
In short, I wonder whether the distribution is really that unfair when contributing users and others helping the Safe ecosystem grow are rewarded too besides non-contributing users. We’re in this for the long run and the Safe ecosystem needs to be built, maintained, and grown which is why, IMO, it is so important to also give voting power to Guardians and the wider ecosystem. Wouldn’t you agree?

If you’re asking why the Snapshot vote is going how it does, we’ll have to look at the macro environment I suppose. You’re right that not every voter by far explained themselves here in this thread. Some did so on Twitter, in other channels or through a comment on their Snapshot vote. Ideally, we would have them all commenting here - something to improve with future SEPs. Still, I personally find it reasonable to assume that some voters would now vote for “make no changes/decide later” or even change their previous vote to that, just due to the recent developments around FTX and the ongoing market turmoil.

Sorry I hadn’t responded sooner. That being said, it’s sufficient to post your comment through one account. cc @user34 @Rifat