[SEP #2] Community Initiative To Unpause Token Contract (Enabling Transferability)

You are right. Currently, the SafeDAO governance resembles operationally more a representative democracy rather than a direct democracy. As most people/users, delegated their voting power to Guardians. Either because they trust their judgment or they feel that their delegate can represent their interests best.

While this increases efficiency and better overall voting turnout, it also means that, at the end of the day, a smaller amount of people/entities are deciding a vote compared to a fully direct-democratic system.

However, Snapshot allows any person delegating their voting power to overwrite their delegate’s vote if they do not agree with it.

To my knowledge, nobody from the core team participated in any of the SafeDAO votes so far. So strongly disagree with the notion that these are not community-driven decisions.

Also want to add that while other DAOs decided to have most of their token distribution go exclusively to users, we did intentionally distribute to ecosystem participants (builders, projects). So while I can understand the frustration that, as a result, user have relatively less voting power, I’d also want to point out that users are in fact not the only stakeholders of the Safe Protocol.

Many of the delegates that voted against this proposal clearly communicated their thought process on Twitter. So you are free to challenge their reasoning, but just saying that peoples voices are being ignored is a bit too simple in my opinion.

I’m definitely curious to here concrete ideas how the governance can be improved as the possibilities are endless:

  • Two chamber system
  • Opening up to more delegates and incentivize/facilitate re-delegation
  • Quadratic voting, one person one vote, and other mechanisms

I do understand that you want the Safe Token to become transferable ideally yesterday, but please also not fully discard that there are different opinions on this topic and like many things, there is no right and wrong.