Schedule for Season 1

[Update on voting dates for Sprint 1]

Due to specific operational requirements set by our Snapshot space, we have made some minor adjustments to the timing of our voting process:

  • Voting start: The voting will start on Wednesday, 15th November 2023. As proposals will be uploaded one day earlier and there is a voting delay of exactly 24h, the vote will start between 11pm and 11:59pm UTC. The exact time will be visible on Snapshot.

  • Voting duration: The voting period is 12 days.

  • Voting end: The voting period ends Monday, 27th November 2023 between 11pm and 11:59pm UTC. The exact time will be visible on Snapshot.

This schedule represents a slight deviation of around 30-60min from our initially outlined times in the governance framework (see below).

The reason for this change is to comply with the Snapshot settings of our space: For security reasons our space enforces a fixed voting period of 12 days instead of allowing proposer’s to individually choose the voting start and end date when uploading each proposal. Therefore the voting starts around half an hour earlier on Wednesday instead of Thursday.

In the future to align this with the governance framework, we would need to add a range to the deadline and could consider this clarification as an amendment for the governance amendment period.