[Discussion] Outcomes-based resource allocation framework (OBRA)

Title: [SEP X] Outcomes-based resource allocation framework (OBRA)
Authors: @pet3rpan-1kx, @Andre, @Christoph, @AccelXR-1kx (+ everyone else contributing and willing to get listed)


The proposal intends to provide a structured use of resources to ensure the most efficient and useful utilization of SafeDAO’s assets.

Proposal details

A. Hierarchy of governance for resource allocation
I. Strategies
II. Initiatives
B. Submission and review cycle
C. Voting thresholds
D. Compliance with relevant regulations
Appendix 1: Vision and goals
Appendix 2: Strategy proposal template
Appendix 3: Initiative proposal template

A. Hierarchy of governance for resource allocation

The Outcomes-Based Resource Allocation Model (OBRA) serves as a streamlined framework for DAOs to allocate resources effectively. The model creates a hierarchical relationship between vision, goals, strategies, and initiatives, ensuring that each action aligns with the DAO’s overarching objectives hereby minimizes the focus of governance of resource allocation to these core areas.

The vision is the overarching north star – the big picture of what the DAO aspires to become. Goals articulate the desired outcomes that align with this vision. Both vision and goals are stipulated in the SafeDAO constitution (see also Annex 1). Strategies provide the high-level approaches and key metrics to achieve those goals. Initiatives are specific actions or projects undertaken in line with a strategy to achieve the goals.

All strategies must be driving forward an existing DAO goal. All initiatives must be driving forward an existing DAO strategy.

Below is a visualization how vision, goals, strategies and initiatives relate to each other:

I. Strategies

Strategies outline the different approaches designed to achieve SafeDAO’s agreed-upon goals and vision, which are both codified in the constitution. Strategies provide the pathway to reach those goals, setting the direction rather than the destination and serving as the roadmap.


  • Focus on building more third-party safe modules to drive safe transaction volume, which would lead to more utility and thus greater TVL
  • Focus on institutional crypto adoption to drive TVL

There may be many valid strategies that the DAO can adopt to achieve its goals. SafeDAO should both carefully assess the validity of strategies while also focusing on experimenting and validating new strategies. The maturity of each strategy and progress being made on each front should determine the level of resources being allocated by SafeDAO towards initiatives under that particular strategy.

SafeDAO operates on seasons (see governance framework). Seasons should be allocated a budget, and within each season, specific strategies should be assigned their respective budgets. This approach is adopted because the overall SafeDAO treasury valuation for the initial seasons will be unclear. As SafeDAO matures, there may be a decision to not pre-allocate budgets, opting instead for a self-assessment approach by delegates and token holders.

One strategy may be a wildcard strategy. This strategy is distinct from the others in that it doesn’t follow a predefined path towards the DAO’s goals. Instead, it serves as a flexible and adaptable approach that can pivot based on changing circumstances, emerging opportunities, or innovative ideas. Due to its experimental and potentially riskier nature, it will be allocated a comparatively lower budget. During review periods, it’s essential to evaluate whether initiatives under this wildcard strategy can give rise to future strategies.

The strategy proposal template is in Appendix 2.

II. Initiatives

Initiatives are work proposals that are funded by SafeDAO. They are more traditionally thought of as more traditional ‘DAO proposals’.

Initiatives follow the following operating procedures:

  • Initiatives are funded in USDC and have a success reward for milestones in SAFE
  • All initiatives are funded by streamed payments (e.g. via a tool such as Superfluid or Sablier) unless the sum of funds is < $10,000, , in which case payment may be made through a series of scheduled payments or as otherwise agreed upon.
  • The proposer may request an initial lump sum to kickstart the initiative, but the lump sum may not exceed more than 20% of the total funding requested for the project unless the project timeline requires less than 3 month to complete
  • The SAFE success reward for the completion of milestones and the initiative itself will be locked up for 1 year, followed by a 1 year linear unlock via vesting contract. The success reward will be transferred at the end of the respective season where the milestones were reached or the initiative was completed.
  • More than 50% of the success reward needs to be allocated to the completion of the initiative.

The following illustration provides a visualization:

The initiative proposal template is in Appendix 3.

B. Submission and review cycle

SafeDAO operates on seasons lasting 20 weeks each consisting of 4 sprints of 5 weeks (see governance framework)

  • The first 3 sprints are the work period and have an operational focus
  • The 4th sprint is a review period in which the funded initiatives of Safe DAO will be reviewed by token holders and delegates
  • Initiatives that have been funded in the 3rd sprint will be subject to review in the next season.

Initiatives can only be proposed during the work period and not during the review period. New strategies must be proposed before the review period to be considered for approval.

During the review period, all initiatives with streams of funding are required to share progress updates and are subject to review. They do not need to re-apply for funding and drive a proposal through governance if their pre-approved funding extends beyond the prior work period. If SafeDAO wishes to terminate an initiative, the rest of their approved funding and SAFE rewards are returned to the DAO (all unspent funds and tokens for milestones that weren’t reached).

The DAO will also review existing approved strategies and may also decide to remove supported strategies. Initiatives that have been funded under a removed strategy do not automatically get terminated.

The following illustration provides a visualization:

It is expected that the first review cycles for SafeDAO will take a bit longer in practical reality but, over time, get to a better place of operational predictability. For the first review cycle that emerges of SafeDAO, we want to take extraordinary care to walk through the process carefully to educate all community members involved about the process and invest time with involving delegates.

For Season 1, the resource allocation framework will operate under a soft launch protocol. Recognizing the need for flexibility during the formative phase of SafeDAO, the Foundation retains the prerogative to deviate from the processes and tools laid out in A.II. Initiatives and B. Submission and review cycles if necessary to ensure an efficient resource allocation process. Any deviations will be communicated transparently and are subject to review in the review and governance amendment sprint (see governance framework). This exception is limited to Season 1 and is introduced to allow a smoother transition into the new resource allocation framework.

C. Voting thresholds

To encourage coordinated delegation parties to emerge in the process while discouraging low effort and signal participation, there is a quorum threshold to vote on the DAO’s core strategies, initiatives, and review cycles. ​​Below are the minimum number of Safe tokens required to meet the quorum:

D. Compliance with relevant regulations

All strategies and initiatives under the resource allocation framework must adhere to the constitution, the Safe Ecosystem Foundation’s deed, its relevant regulations, including those concerning investment and funding, and meet KYC requirements. The Safe Ecosystem Foundation, as a steward of SafeDAO, will guide and assess compliance with these principles.

Appendix 1: Vision and goals

Vision: Establish smart accounts as the default means for web3 interactions

Goal 1: Foster a vibrant ecosystem
SafeDAO benefits from a vibrant ecosystem built on shared components and standards. SafeDAO supports and empowers new and existing projects integrating with the Safe Protocol or initiatives supporting the usage of Safe Protocol.

Goal 2: Resilience via decentralization
The Safe Ecosystem shall be independent from any single entity. The Safe Ecosystem components, including governance, should be decentralized and permissionless.

Goal 3: Tokenize value
SAFE should represent the value of the Safe Ecosystem. Mechanisms should be created to link the growth of the Safe Ecosystem to the growth in utility of SAFE.

Appendix 2: Strategy proposal template

Changes to the proposal templates in Appendix 2 and 3 don’t require the SEP process. The Safe Ecosystem Foundation holds the authority to make these modifications or delegate the responsibility to a group of guardians or other SafeDAO participants, ensuring alignment with the framework’s objectives.

  • Which goals does the strategy look to drive progress in?
  • Which metrics and KPIs could initiatives under this strategy be measured against?
  • Outline the execution strategy or thesis
  • Detail around existing data or evidence to support this thesis
  • Detail around any risks associated with this strategy
  • If this strategy succeeds, what is the happy case?
  • If this strategy fails, what would be some reasons?
  • What are some example initiatives that would fall under this strategy
  • Assessment of the strategy’s maturity and if there is additional data that needs to be collected for the validation of this strategy
  • What budget should this strategy be allocated for

Appendix 3: Initiative proposal template

  • Which pre-approved strategy is this initiative driving forward?
  • Which metrics and KPIs will the initiative be measured against?
  • Who is the accountable initiative lead? (individual or organization)
  • What is the initiative about?
  • What risks does the initiative entail?
  • Timeline/roadmap of milestones for the initiative
  • What resources are being requested from SafeDAO in USDC?
  • Are there any resources requested from the Safe Ecosystem Foundation?
  • Are there any upfront funding this initiative needs at the beginning
  • The requested $SAFE success reward per work milestones and completion of initiative (vested token bonus for completion of work)

Purpose and Background

Decentralized governance / DAOs established a vision for the possibility of decentralized, neutral public goods owned by the public. However, after 3+ years of live data emerging around decentralized networks, decentralized coordination is still a work in progress.

During this period, 1kx has supported, invested, and participated in over 40+ DAOs and incubated/launched many ourselves. Through our experience, the case for decentralized resource allocation has a long way to go with finding a long-term viable model, with most DAOs experiencing major coordination failures such as the following:

Unclear consensus and clarity on core DAO activities and product strategy, leading to excessive spending and misallocation of community resources to misaligned initiatives.

Lack of oversight, feedback loops, and accountability of community initiatives leading to overhiring and working groups with unreasonably high burn rates and low output efficiency.

Inadequate contributor quality curation and accountability leading to a high amount of incompetent, low context individuals gaining senior leadership positions, leading to a further degradation of the community’s operating standard and contributor value extraction at the cost of the entire community.

Lack of data driven of decision making processes that lead to the governance capture of the community to contributors who brute force governance via bureaucratic lobbying.

Bloating on the DAO’s decisional surface area to a point where collective governance contributors no longer have the adequate context to govern effectively, leading to over delegation and concentration of social capital to a few select voices who are time rich but not necessarily those creating real impact for the DAO.

Rather than trying to address these problems incrementally, 1kx looks to propose a surface area reduced model for the governance of Safe DAO’s resource allocation known as ‘outcome-based resource allocation’ (OBRA).

Effects and Impact Analysis

What are the effects of the proposal? What are the pros and cons? What are risks?

OBRA introduces processes to the resource allocation which require some administrative efforts. When strategies and initiatives are being submitted it needs to be assesses how the strategies drive goals forward and how the initiatives drive strategies forward. During the review process the existing initiatives need to give status updates and these need to be reviewed.

Once the first review cycle emerges, there will be an open question on how to properly incentivize the review of this work, as this becomes an operational burden on token holders and delegates. It can be expected for professional delegates to emerge as a result of such incentives.

Alternative Solutions

What alternative solutions have been considered? Why have they been discarded?

One alternative solution would be to not have a resource allocation in place. This would most probably lead to misallocation of community resources due to misaligned initiatives. Another alternative solution would be to rely on working groups that set their own goals and strategies or decide on initiatives. While OBRA does not rely on working groups, in future iterations certain strategies could fall under the domain of working groups if agreed upon.

Technical Implementation

Does the implementation of the proposal require new code? How is the security of the code ensured?

The implementation requires the introduction of a streaming tool such as Sablier or Superfluid, a process how to payout and the adoption of vesting contracts for the rewards in Safe token.

Open Questions

Anything that needs to be cleared up before the community can make an informed decision?

[See comments in first post]


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