[Discussion] [OBRA] Formalizing the Guardian Role onchain with Hats Protocol - Hats Protocol

Thanks for these questions @adamhurwitz.eth. I responded to these in the draft thread, also copying below:

Here are some examples of Hats implementations referenced on the OBRA proposal review call today:

TreasureDAO: granting community representatives (called ARC Liaisons) special permissions to represent TreasureDAO in Arbitrum governance, both via onchain votes in the Arbitrum Governor (via Tally) and offchain signaling in Arbitrum’s Snapshot space: Tree #6 on Arbitrum One | Hats Protocol

RareDAO: streamlining the process of granting and transferring multisig signing authority from one set of committee members to another with each election: https://app.hatsprotocol.xyz/trees/1/22?hatId=

More details on Hats, authorities, modules, and the Hats app can be found in the docs: https://docs.hatsprotocol.xyz/

Regarding possible alternatives, generally we’ve seen:

  1. generic badges, attestations, or onchain signifiers - not purpose-built for roles, lack robust admin relationships and onchain accountability
  2. big spreadsheets or diagrams of multisigs with various signers - hard to keep organized, lack of transparency, not good for delegation to a single person
  3. manage role offchain - serious capture vector, lack of transparency
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