[Discussion] Introducing Steering Committees and Council Structures

My understanding is that the steering committee set the strategies and corresponding budgets, and it is then it is up to the councils to execute on their respective strategies given the budget that has been allocated to them.

My question is about what latitude the councils have in deciding how they operate?

For example, a council could potentially operate as a:

  1. grants allocation council, taking open submissions for relevant grants and allocating funding to whichever projects, and in whichever amounts, it collectively deems fit.
  2. curation layer for a quadratic funding round, deciding one which projects are eligible but leaving it to the QF round to decide which projects get how much.
  3. R&D lab, hiring / contracting teams to execute on ideas / solutions to the steering committee’s strategies.
  4. RFP council, defining things to be built in support of the steering committee strategies and requesting bids/proposals from external teams to execute on the ideas.
  5. a VC-like entity, making strategic investments in teams/projects/protocols that might impact the metrics given by the steering committee.
  6. etc…

Are these the only modes of operation? Or just two examples?

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